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The story so far..
(broad, simple, to the point. To get the in depth details, read the posts in the club!)

The story takes place roughly three years after BlackWarGreymon's battle with Shakkoumon. (when he flew off after meeting Azulongmon) This storyline takes place in a different timeline than the show after that, Arukenimon and Mummymon being destroyed by Paildramon, Silphymon, and Shakkoumon. (The whole world tour and ImperialDramon thing never happened in our timeline.) The digital world has been in peace since Azulongmon was released.

Now, digidestined old and new are receiving strange, seemingly evil crests that are counterparts of their originals. BlackGatomon prowls the real world, taunting the digidestined, while leaving her intentions and plans hidden. Even Puppetmon returns, wandering the real world in search of a friend. He faces BlackGatomon, who taunts him for awhile, making him angry. Puppetmon attacks, but  his arm is damaged by her viral claw. An evil Digimon known as FallenAngemon has appeared at Tokyo Tower, and has already destroying things. Angemon faces FallenAngemon, while the Japanese Digidestined plan out their next move. Angemon turns out to be no match for Fallen Angemon, and is defeated. The digidestined realize that they'll need to get their digidestined from the digital world to tackle the current threat in the real world.

In America, a digidestined named Noir is traveling to the state of Ohio, to seek another Digidestined named Erik. (A difficult task since Erik has taken up a life of vagrancy.) Noir encounters Erik (who is shoplifting.) And attempts to talk to him by offering to pay for Erik and Tacmon's stolen "lunch."

During these events, Cyan, Noir's sister, recieves a digivice through her computer, and Devimon has now appeared in Cleveland! Erik and Noir fought Devimon, but were defeated. At the last moment, they were transported away from the battle by Gennai, who told them that they had a lot of work to make up for, as they were supposed to have been a part of the final battle with Myotismon, but they never showed. He sends the two to Florida, where they meet Michael, a fellow digidestined, and join him in battle against a Black Meramon.

Back at Tokyo tower, Yolei and Aquilamon have joined the battle, along with other digidestined, but Fallen Angemon was still too powerful! Using the crest of jealousy, Matt evolved Garurumon into Wolf Weregarurumon! While this evolution was powerful enough to be a match to Fallen Angemon, he seemed to relish in fighting Wolf Weregarurumon. Gatomon has also used the dark crest to evolve into WickedAngewomon, much to the surprise of Kari, and Puppetmon continues to commune with the mysterious voice, which still tries to lure Puppetmon to his side.

With the battle raging on, TK tries to reason with Fallen Angemon, only to find that it didn't work as well as he had wished, and that Fallen Angemon's only wish and desire was to destroy. He and Wolf WereGarurumon fought, seriously injuring Fallen Angemon. After tearing out his injured wing and using to beat on Healymon (Or GramHealymon, I'm not too sure.) he was ready for battle again, but fell to Wolf WereGarurumon. Fallen Angemon revelaed the name of his mysterious master, Negamon. Before he could be defeated, Black Gatomon digivolved to Arch Angewomon, and stopped him from destroying Fallen Angemon. But the effort was wasted, as Fallen Angemon drove his own scythe into his chest, comitting an act of suicide and releasing a dark virus, which took control of a vehicle and attempted to run down Matt. He was saved. Fallen Angemon was a carrier, created to spread the virus in the human world.