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Fanfic and History

This is a page that'll be mainly for fanfics, character bios and histories, and any writings you guys would like to add! Again, if you have something to add, let me know! And most importantly, if you happen to be a fanfic writer yourself, feel free to send us your work so we can post it here!!

Fic #1: Noir's History
(New! slightly better version!)

Noir Ellis walked down the street, clutching his bookbag tightly. It was quiet, but he knew that he wouldn't make it home without running into some kind of problem. He turned a corner, and cut through a playground, trying to make it home by dinnertime. He looked down at his watch and scowled, seeing that it was five minutes until seven. He climbed over benches and ran across busy streets, not stopping until he made it a block away from his home. A group of older kids were standing on the street corner, talking loudly. One of them pointed at Noir, and the whole group ran over to him. Leo, the tall "stupid" kid, grabbed Noir's bag, and ripped it open. "Hey! you're not carrying anything useful today, are you shrimp?" He said, tossing the bag in the grass. "Of course not. I doubt books would be of any use to someone like you.." Noir said sarcastically as he picked up his bookbag and slung it over his shoulder. Leo stood there for a moment, his face red with rage. He punched Noir in the face. Noir fell backwards, but caught himself quickly. He held his hand up to his face, and when he pulled it away, there was a smear of blood on it. He lunged forward, punching Leo in the chest. Leo doubled over in pain, having difficulty breathing. Noir began kicking him in the ribs. Leo cried out in pain, and screamed for Noir to stop. Noir kicked harder and harder, not stopping until he grew bored. He stopped kicking, and walked away.

     He walked in the front door, and tossed his bookbag on his bed. He sat down at his computer to check his email. There weren't any new messages, and he decided to take a small nap, as dinner was running late. (Noir's father hadn't returned home yet.) He clicked on his TV, and tried to relax. The news anchor on the television was saying something about what seemed like a disaster somewhere, but Noir didn't pay attention to it, and turned the channel. "Ooh..anime." He said, stretching out. As he watched his show, a "breaking news story" interrupted, covering a story about the same disaster he had seen a few moments earlier. "There was an explosion downtown today, taking down an office building and killing potentially hundreds of people." The anchor reported, showing photos of the carnage. "Hey! that's where dad works!" Noir yelled, getting up and running into the living room, where his mother and sister were watching the same channel.

Three weeks later:

     Noir had just returned from his father's funeral. He didn't understand it, but he couldn't cry. He just stared into space during the entire ordeal.  he laid down in his bed, and his mother walked into his room to try and comfort him. "I'm fine." is all she managed to get out of him. Noir fell into a restless sleep. The only thing he could think about is that the authorities couldn't figure out what had destroyed that building. "What kind of monster would kill so many people?" He asked himself, looking at his silent television screen. He saw his reflection in the screen, and turned away. "The same kind of monster that mercilessly beat on Leo three weeks ago." He slammed his fist against the wall. Was he no better than the one responsible for his father's death? Noir stared at his hands. "I didn't kill anyone..But why did I enjoy beating on that kid? Am I capable of...killing?" He buried his head in his pillow. "No..I'm not.." He muttered, falling asleep. The next day, as he was walking home from school, he ran into Leo again, and without hesitation, Leo and his friends attacked Noir. He didn't fight back this time, he just stood there, taking the beatings. After about ten minutes, Noir limped home, his clothes torn, and his arm broken. His shirt was covered in blood, which was the first thing his little sister Cyan noticed as he limped into his room, curling into a fetal position on his bed. Cyan didn't ask him any questions, she ran to the kitchen. "Mom! Noir got into another fight! He's really hurt bad! I think he needs to see a doctor!" Mrs. Ellis walked into Noir's room, and grabbed him, helping him into her car. "Honey, don't move that arm. It's probably broken." Noir stared out the car window, watching the scenery as they drove to the hospital. When they had arrived, Noir was fitted with a cast, and he refused to answer any questions his mother and the doctor asked.

      After stopping for fast food, (an activity Noir usually rather enjoyed.) They arrived home. Noir walked to his room, and sat down in front of his computer. His mother watched him for a moment, then went to her room to think. Her husband's death had been hard, but obviously was even harder for Noir. He was Noir's hero, the one person who had always taught him to be assertive, and to stand up for what he believed in. She got up and walked back to his room, where was still sitting at his computer, tears stinging his cheeks. He looked up at her, a look of sadness and anger in his eyes. "GET OUT!" He screamed, throwing his heavy sketchbook at his mother, hitting her in the shoulder. She cried out in pain, and quickly left the room, tears streaming down her face. "I'm..sorry..mother..You can't help me..No one can.." he stared at his computer screen, then clicked it on. as he did so, a bright flash filled the room. Noir covered his eyes with his good arm. When the light subsided, a strange egg like object was sitting in his lap, and a small device was on his keyboard. Panicking, he hid the egg in his closet, and pretended as if nothing happened. He turned the computer off, and walked over to his television and turned it on. News reports from all over the world were  reporting on various acts of destruction around the globe. He dozed off, and when he woke up again, his closet was wide open and the egg was gone. He searched the room, and found no sign of it. As he headed out of his room, he stepped in a pile of eggshells. "Oh no.." He thought, running into the hallway. he heard noises coming from the kitchen, and went there, only to see a small furry creature sitting on the floor, eating a ham. Noir grabbed the little creature, and carried it back to his room. "What are you?!" He asked, setting the creature down on his desk. "I'm Pawmon! I'm your Digimon!" Noir stepped back. "My what?" Pawmon looked at him. "Digimon! your partner! It means you're a digidestined and you're gonna help save the digital world!" Noir sat on his bed. "I'm dreaming..Dad's death must be starting to drive me insane.." Pawmon bounced off the desk, and stopped at Noir's feet. "Are you saying you don't like me?" Pawmon asked, a sad look on its face. "I didn't say that!" Noir said. "I'm just not sure what to do with you now.." Pawmon smiled. "I'm going to help you!"

A couple of days later

Noir stood in front of the ruins of the building his father once worked in. Pawmon was in his arms, a serious look on its face. "Whatever did this is close." Pawmon said. "And I'm gonna fight it." Noir's eyes widened. "No you're not! I don't need anything to happen to you too." Pawmon's ears perked up a bit. "It's here."  The ground in front of him erupted, revealing a large yellow colored monster. "It's a Cyclonemon!" Pawmon cried, bouncing towards it. Cyclonemon roared, and swung at Pawmon, knocking the tiny Digimon into a girder. Pawmon bounced off it, and in mid-air, his body began to glow. "Pawmon...Digivolve to...." Pawmon's body began to grow, becoming larger and more catlike, with newly-grown legs and large paws. "Kittamon!" Kittamon landed, and leapt to Cyclonemon's face. He yelled, and swiped at Cyclonemon's eyes. The large digimon fell back. Kittamon raised his claw into the air, and screamed "Piercing Claw!" He drove his claw into Cyclonemon's eye, causing it to shriek in pain. Kittamon leapt off of Cyclonemon, and crouched on the ground in front of the beast. "I can't beat him like this.." Kittamon mumbled, just as a lucky swing from Cyclonemon smashed into him, sending Kittamon headfirst into a pile of rubble and stone. "Kittamon!" Noir screamed, rushing to help his friend. Cyclonemon roared again, and grabbed Noir. "Hey!, let me go!" Noir kicked at Cyclonemon, angering it further. It grasped Noir's throat, and threw him, sending him crashing into a broken pillar. Noir blacked out on impact, and a pile of rubble fell upon him, crushing him beneath. Kittamon shook his head and stood up shakily, and upon seeing Noir buried under rubble, growled in anger. "KITTAMON!! DIGIVOLVE TO.......KYATRIMON!" Kittamon grew to a height somewhat taller than Noir. His arms and claws grew to immense size, and a set of wrappings appeared on his right arm, a strange symbol on them. His eyes were darker, and filled with anger., with red markings underneath his right eye. Kyatrimon jumped high into the air, landing next to Noir. He pulled the rubble off of Noir, and stared down at his friend's broken form. "NO!!" Kyatrimon howled, his fur starting to turn black.."KYATRIMON!! DIGIVOLVE TO FERALKYATRIMON!!" This evolution was very different, his fur turning black, and his form twisting into a gnarled, sulking feral shape. FeralKyatrimon grabbed Cyclonemon by the head, and snarled. "Suffer...." He growled, driving the beast headfirst into the ground. FeralKyatrimon rolled Cyclonemon over with his foot. "This way, you get to watch me destroy you." Cyclonemon whimpered. "Feral Slash!" FeralKyatrimon yelled, sending a series of slashing energy beams across the fallen Digimon, cutting it into many pieces. Cyclonemon's mangled, freshly sectioned body disappeared in a burst of data.  FeralKyatrimon de-digivolved into Kittamon, and ran over to Noir's side. "Noir! are you okay?!" He asked, his paws on Noir's face. "" Noir gasped, the life seeming to leave his body.

The authorities found Noir a few minutes later. Kittamon hid while they loaded Noir onto a stretcher and put him in the ambulance. Kittamon rode on top of the ambulance as it sped to the hospital.  Noir survived, by a thread.  It would take several months to recover, but Noir didn't mind. For the first time since his father's death, he felt at peace. he finally had a good friend in Kittamon, who sat by his side through the entire healing process. (Pretending to be a stuffed animal when anyone showed up.)

A few years later..(One year before the current time.)

Noir and Kittamon had grown to be the best of friends. Noir didn't have any other friends, and had a difficult time even talking to others, let alone stand up for himself. His mother had Noir in several counseling sessions, where they said that it had seemed like his confidence and will had shattered since his father's death. They were only half right, as Noir just felt that fighting and aggression were useless, so he avoided any acts of anger or aggression. He become soft spoken, but polite. He was a kinder person now.

Noir stared down at his sketchbook in frustration. "I just can't get this right!" He said, tossing the sketch to the side. (It was a sketch of Kittamon.)  The girl that was sitting next to him picked it up, and looked at it for a moment. "It's cute!" She exclaimed, "Why did you toss it?" Noir shrugged. "It sucks." He balled up another one of his sketches, and pushed it aside. "I think you're very talented, why are you so hard on yourself?" the girl asked. "I'm not. I'm being realistic." The girl put her arm around him, causing his face to turn red. "Chill out a little bit, and stop being so depressing. It's not good for you!" she moved her arm, and held out her hand. "I'm Sarah. Nice to meet you." Noir blushed. "Um..I'm Noir..Hi." he replied. "Is that your real name?" Sarah asked. Noir nodded. "Yeah. It was changed a couple of years back. It used to be Teran." He said. Sarah smiled. "They're both cute names."  

Noir and Sarah chatted for an hour or so, before they had to leave for the evening. Noir offered to walk her home. She lived only two blocks from his house. After they said their goobyes, Noir headed home. He was relieved to see that Leo wasn't around, because he didn't want to encounter any trouble on his way home.