Legacy of an Adopted Child


Once there were two women One gave you a nationality
Who never knew each other The other gave you a name
One you do not remember One gave you the seed of talent
The other you call mother. The other gave you an aim.


Two different lives shaped One gave you emotions
to make yours one The other calmed your fears
One became your guiding star One saw your first sweet smile
The other became your sun. The other dried your tears.


The first gave you Life and One gave you up,
The second taught you to live in it It was all that she could do.
The first gave you a need for love The other prayed for a child,
And the second was there to give it. And God led her straight to you.


And now you ask me throught your tears,
The age old question through the years;
Heredity or Environment, which are you a product of?
Neither my darling, neither
Just two different kinds of Love.




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