This is a verse from the card Lezli found for
her daughter Julie's Birthday:

If Only You Could Be Me For A Moment

by: Tracey A Gibbs

Sometimes I wish
you could step into my shoes
for just a little while
to think what I think;
to see what I see;
to feel what I feel;
to understand the confusion,
the fear, the admiration, and
the friendship I feel
towards you
all at once....

If you were able to live
inside my mind for even a moment,
you would see that my world is
filled with so many responsibilities;
yet so often my thoughts are of you.
You would see what joy
you've brought to my life.
You would see  how much it means to me
to be able to smile
to laugh, to feel good,
to feel free, like a child
just because of you.

If you had the chance to take
the smallest glimpse inside of me,
you would see gratitude and respect
respect not only for what
you are making of yourself,
but also for what you are
helping me to be.
And you would see how much
all of that means to me.

But the thing that would
strike you most
if ever you had the chance to be me
would be all the love I feel for you.
And once you had felt it,
you would always remember it,
and you would understand that,
although I am not always able
to express it or explain
its depth or importance to me,
it is alwaays there...inside me.

From: Lezli

found daughter Julie 3/18/1999
born 10/10/1968 in  Cincinnati, Ohio

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