I want you to know that


I believe in us and in all the things

That have made our love

So beautiful and meaningful.


I believe in you and in the thoughtful,

Sensitive, caring person you are.

I love the way you understand me

Sometimes better than I understand myself.


I believe in making th most of every day together,

Sharing good times with family and friends

And sharing quiet times alone

just relaxing and enjoying each other.


I really believe in our love,

Because we have built

A beautiful life together,

One that keeps growing more meaningful

With every day we share,

And I want you to know that I’ll always be there for you….


I’ll always believe in us.


Poem by Diana L. Manning

Momma Ginger,

Thank You Momma for this card!

I want you to know momma, that

I believe strongly in us too! AND

I love you very very much!

Your daughter, Tina

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