I feel so empty as I lie in this bed
It’s better for the child they all had said
But they took you away straight from my womb
and here now I lie alone in this room.

They would not let me see you my little one
It’s better not to get attached,then the pain will be gone.
But how wrong they had been my little angel delight
For the pain is never ending I live in my longest night.

but I did this so you could have the best my dear
I am only a child myself I fear.
I want you to have everything I can not give
A wonderful family and carefree life to live.

And now as I look upon this letter in my hand
My darling daughter my tears still stand
It has been 20 years or more since I wrote those words
But the pain and love for you can still be heard.

How I have missed your first smile
your first tooth, your first step
I miss that word Momma oh the tears I have wept

I miss taking you to school on your very first day
And watching your father giving a beautiful bride away.
I miss the laughter,the smiles and the tears
For this is the price I have paid through the years.

So forgive me my baby for I love you so
You have always been with me where ever I go.
Please understand I did this for you
I love you my daughter with my heart and soul
honestly I do.

-author unknown

please submit us the name if you know for proper credit

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