If I could only Find You

If I could only find you
My life would be complete,
there's never that a day goes by
that I wish that we could meet.

On that April day I left you
I thought that I would die,
even though I knew it was for the best
all I could do was cry.

I hoped and prayed as years went by
my choice was not the wrong one
that your life with your new family
turned out to be a good one.

There's been a big void in my heart
each and every day,
I wish that I could find you
there's got to be a way.

If I never get to see you
what a waste that would be.
I want so much to tell you,
it was for love I set you free.

I love you my darling daughter
even though I never knew you,
I'll never stop trying till the day I die
Maybe God will let me find you.

-submitted by Linda Vecchio

[email protected]

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