My poem to Muguet that I wrote to her before I found her.
by Linda in GA

Where Are You?

Come out, come out my little girl
I have so much to ask you.
Thev've kept you hiding much to long
It's time to let me find you.

I understand you love them so
I'd never want to take their place.
They raised you and loved you when I could not
I just want to meet you face to face.

From dusk until dawn my search goes on
They all tell me, give it a break,
but I can't my darling daughter
not until the last breath I take.

I make phone calls and search the net
I ask and ask and ask
I send letters, registries and such
It's turned into a very huge task.

They say you must not be looking for me
this I understand
I've been a stranger all your life
so your presence I can't demand.

I promise that I will go away
and never again search for you,
If that is what you want from me
but those words must come from you.

I pray to God for guidance
each and every day,
He's here beside me helping me
to know the right words to say.

So come out, come out my little girl
your whole other family awaits you,
A sister and two brothers here
want to meet their sister they never knew.

So again I ask, Where are you?
Please make this searching end,
go to the Adoption Forum message board
and to me an e-mail send

-submitted by Linda Vecchio ([email protected])


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