*written by carole for her grandson*

I never saw...that tiny baby in his cradle...wrapped up so sweet.

I never saw..that little boy, toddling around on wobbly feet.

I never heard..Gramma, come swing me! High, High, High!!
Let's go to the sky!

I never heard..Can I spend the night? Read me a story..
Let's make cookies..I colored this just for you..Can I sit on your lap? Look, I caught a frog in the creek, wanna pet him?..Isn't this the coolest rock you ever saw?..I got a girlfriend, her name is Laurie and she is 8 years old, just like me!

I didn't see that ole yellow bus carry you off to school!
I didn't see you dressed as a wise man in the Christmas play! I didn't see you knock in the winning run to win the big game! I didn't see you march down so proud to get that precious diploma!

I haven't hugged your neck...touched your cheek..
spoken your name..hung your picture on my wall!

You are always in my heart, Grandson, 10/11/76


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