November 25, 1999

Today And Tomorrow...

Today I have so much to be thankful for,
For I am one step closer to finding you!
I ask myself, can this be real?
Are my dreams really about to come true?

Today as always I wonder,
Where, oh where can you be?
Tomorrow I will learn the answer,
Hoping to finally be set free.

Today I ask myself,
Can this be possible, can this be true?
Wondering all the while,
Will you feel for me, as I feel for you?

Today I know for the rest of my life,
Nothing will ever be the same.
For my endless search is almost over,
Tomorrow I will learn your NEW name.

Today I feel as if ready to give birth,
Still dreaming of you as my, "Lena Marie".
Forever beautiful and very precious,
Is the baby girl I was forced to set free.

Today you are my daughter,
We share the same sun, the same moon.
Tomorrow I will know different,
For someone else's you will be soon.

Today I made myself a promise,
To try to be patient, to try to see...
That tomorrow will be different,
For you, yes...and for me.

Tomorrow will bring new challenges,
For both of us I agree.
I am no more a frightened teenager,
You, never again a baby will be.

Tomorrow will end a lifetime,
This is what it has felt like to me.
A lifetime without you in it,
Always wondering, where, where can you be?

What seems to have been an eternity,
Tomorrow will almost be through.
Only one more day will you be my "Lena Marie",
In the morning, someone new.

My search for you my dear daughter,
With all it's emotions and pain.
With tomorrow a part will be over,
Niether one of us, ever to be the same!

Tomorrow when hearing your new name,
No more will I say my, "Lena Marie".
I need you to know I've loved you forever,
This I pray you will come to see.

Goodnight baby daughter,
You'll grow up much too soon.
Tomorrow I'll feel I've missed it all,
Though our sun will still rise, to meet the same moon.

I hope and pray you'll remember,
This one thing I promise is so true.
My heartache is only memories,
Of my eternal LOVE for you.

With Love Always, your birthmom,
Michele...crying another mothers tears...


*(written by Michele the night before she was to receive the identity of her daughter)*

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