To My John

Notes from Peggy: When John was little I saw a little brown eyed
boy in a toy store, I thouht he could be my Jonathan
The words in red are my thoughts (the birthmom feelings).

There he is!
(Is that my son?)
That little boy looking at toys?
His eyes so very wide
(O How I wish that you were at my side!)

His mother called his name
He turned to run.
(Don't go! my little precious son..)

He stopped, looking back
a puzzled look, "Do I know you?"
They seemed to say
(Yes, I'm your mother,
the one that gave you away)

He turned and ran to his mother,
His face filled with joy.
(Good by my baby, my little boy)

She turned quietly and left the store,
Her heart aching
and missing him more.

written by: Peggy B.

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