~ Keeper Of The Stars ~

It was no accident
me finding you
Someone had a hand in it
long before we ever knew

Now I just can't believe
you're in my life
Heaven's smiling down on me
as I look at you tonight

I tip my hat
to the keeper of the stars
He sure knew what he was doin
when he joined these two hearts

I hold everything
when I hold you in my arms
And I've got all I'll ever need
thanks to the keeper of the stars

Soft moonlight on your face
oh how you shine
It takes my breath away
just to look into your eyes

I know I don't deserve
a treasure like you
There really are no words
to show my gratitude

So I tip my hat
to the keeper of the stars
He sure knew what he was doin
when he joined these two hearts

I hold everything
when I hold you in my arms
And I've got all I'll ever need
thanks to the keeper of the stars

It was no accident
me finding you
Someone had a hand in it
long before we ever knew

" Keeper Of The Stars "
by Tracy Byrd

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