-- Sang by Bruce Springsteen

I was bruised and battered

and I couldn't tell what I felt

I was unrecognizable to myself

Saw my reflection in a window

I didn't know my own face

Oh brother are you gonna leave me

wasting away

On the streets of Philadelphia

I walked the avenue till my legs felt like stone

I heard the voices of friends vanished and gone

At night I could hear the blood in my veins

Just as black and wispering as the rain

On the streets of Philadelphia

Ain't no angel gonna greet me

It's just you and I my friend

And my clothes don't fit me no more

I walked a thousand miles

just to slip this skin

The night has fallen, I'm lyin' awake

I can feel myself fading away

So receive me brother with your faithless kiss

or will we leave each other alone like this

On the streets of Philadelphia

I am Responsible

For the readiness to take full consequences of our past actions, and to take full responsibility for the well-being of others at the same  time, is the very spirit of Step Nine



In recovery, and through the help of a 12 step group, I learn that the very thing I fear is my FREEDOM. It comes from my tendency to recoil from taking responsibility for anything: I deny, I ignore, I blame, I avoid. Then one day I look, I admit, I accept. The freedom, the healing and the recovery I experience is in the looking, admitting and accepting. I learn to say, "Yes I am responsible." When I can speak those WORDS with honesty and sincerity, Then I am free.


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