You are the most precious thing,
in my life today.
You mean more to me than anyone else,
and I hope you're here to stay.

What I feel for you lies deep,
deep within my heart.
The amount of love you see,
is merely just a part.

Not even these poems,
that you inspire me to write,
can describe how I adore you,
or how I dream of you day and night.

You fill my head with things,
I've never thought before.
You've let me feel true love,
and you let my heart soar.

You are all I've ever wanted,
and all I'll ever need.
Because you my sweet angel,
are the most precious thing.

I miss you
I love you
I want to be with you always
shall we ever be together
or always apart
a love felt
but never fulfilled
a love lost then found
held in the heart
felt in the soul
I will love you forever
to the end of time
even if we are never together
know that I love you
and miss you always
you are special
more precious than gold
you fill me with happiness
and warm my soul
I love you
and miss you
It's giving not taking,
mending not breaking,
trusting, believing,
never deceiving,
patiently bearing,
and faithfully sharing,
each joy, each sorrow,
today and tomorrow.
Love is kind, understanding,
definately never demanding.
Love is constant, prevailing,
it's strength never failing,
a promise once spoken,
for all time unbroken,
a lifetime together,
love is forever.


**if you know who wrote this please email us so we may give them the proper credit.


Thank You Momma, for sending this to me. Your love for me is so real,

so deep and so warm. I love you with all my heart!



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