
Ginger's Mother and Father
Tina's Grandparents


dad, denny, ginger, and mom

My father: Frank (Aug 1, 1926 - May 18, 1996)
Brother: Denny
Myself: Ginger

My mother: Jacquie (Aug 10, 1927 - Sept 6, 1995)

To My Mother. To My Father.

One is never to old to know and experience that love that they have yearned for most of their lives from their parents. There was much confusion and hurts among us for so long.

One day the three of us, my mother, father and I seemed to move past all of those things and find a love that made all 3 of us see into each other's hearts.

Soon we found wholeness, healing, and forgiveness and was able to start over for all 3 of us. I did not have my parents long. I was blessed to have known my daddy's arms around me. To feel those safe warm big arms that make a little girl feel safe and protected even at an old age. I was blessed to look in my mother's eyes and know deep in my heart she was proud of me and I didn't have to prove anything to her anymore. I could just be her daughter and she my mother.

I think of you my mother and father each day. I cry because of how long it took us to get to the place of acceptance of each other. I rejoice in knowing we did have this even if it was for a short time. I miss you so. I love you both. Thank you for all we did, came to know and have.

Your loving daughter,


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