Never Quit

There is no place to hide on this rollercoaster ride.
Self discovery is the goal you see.
And day to day, as the layers peal away,
we hope to find what was left behind.
They can seal the file, but all the while,
we will still want to see, how we came to be.
They can say forget, but we won't quit.
Until at last, we own our past!

Hole in my Soul

There's a hole in my soul that will never be filled.
There's a beat in my heart that will never be stilled.
As long as I know she might be out there somewhere,
thinking thoughts just like mine, and wondering where?
Like how is your life?
Or, how was your day?
Was it good or bad?
Did you live it your way?
Do you sit like I do and wonder and dream?
Do you cry in the night and come apart at the seams?
Because I do sometimes and I probably always will.
Until this hole in my soul I can fill.

"The Show"

I see my friends at the Holidays packing off to see families.
Groaning, moaning and complaining, of all their difficulties.
To buy and wrap all those gifts, and get from A to B,
and all of those people, that they would have to see.
Sisters, brothers, uncles and aunts, cousins, grandparents and more.
There is always people arguing and rushing to and fro.
To much to do, to little time
and they are wishing all the while,
that they could only be alone,
or somewhere else, rather than go home.
I guess they'll never imagine, in any form or way,
how much I truly envy, all their crazy days.
For if you've never lost it, then you will never know.
How much of an outsider I feel watching the show.
But I can see through the surface, and to reality.
They don't realize how lucky they are, to have their families.


Two souls apart too long a time,
to reunite was God's design.
For all the times there was no sun,
dreaming of the missing one.
Now love awaits, new life's begun.
Brought together by a stroke of fate.
Not a minute too soon,
not a second too late.
The future is calling so open the door,
where seperation exists no more.
Say goodbye to the pain,
and watch it go.
Only fulfillment and blessings you'll know.
As through life you spend and share,
moments of bliss, and treasure's rare.
God is smiling down from above.
Watching this miracle of love.

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