She is Mine

The pain.....the grief.....
Lord, please give me relief
I know I was young but this is not right.....
I begged, I pleaded, I tried to fight

Oh God they stole my baby!!
How can you allow such a crime?
I want her back Lord.....She is mine!

Why did you allow them to take her away?
Because I was I have to pay?
They signed the papers, they gave me no choice....
since I was young I had no voice.
This was not my wish...this is not what I wanted.
Now I will forever be haunted.
I want her back Lord....she's mine!

A piece of my heart was ripped away....
I will never be the same...what more can I say
The agony...the hurt....uncontrollably tears...
this unbearable pain will continue years
What an act of betrayal......
by my family and you...
sentenced to pain for a lifetime....
I want her back Lord, she is mine!

What did I do to deserve this?
They say I will forget her...what a crock of sh*t
They took her away Lord....I'm pissed at the world
She's mine dear God...she's my little girl.

There is no justice...this is not fair.....
they stole her from me....vanished into thin air
Now I'm destined to grow old...
without my beloved child to hold

This precious soul that I loved so dear...
she's gone somewhere....she belonged with me here
I hurt, I cry, I wish I could die
I want her back Lord....she's mine!


Written By: Debbie

(26 years ago when she was 17 years old)

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