To My Son, Kevin on July 1, 1999
From Mom, Mary Anne waiting since July 1, 1968

I thought of you at night and hoped I could reach you in your dreams.
And here you are, my son; this love is as unconditional and complete as it
For 30 years you were a baby, abstract in my mind and deep in my heart.
And here you are, my son; we are celebrating your 31st birthday,  never
again to be apart.
I cannot express the joy I have in my heart since I found you.
And here you are , my son, in my thoughts and all that I do!
I am hoping that this is a birthday that you won't soon forget.
Because, here you are, my son; a reunion of a long ago bond and one I will
never regret.


With all of our love,
your Birthmom and Birthdad.
May this be one of many more that we celebrate together!

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