Belgium in a Bottle by Steve Mitchell

De Dolle Brouwers of Esen-Diksmuide

In 1914 the west Flanders town of Esen-Diksmuide was completely destroyed by the advancing German army, but was rebuilt after the end of the Great War and remained unaltered until 1980 when a second invasion took place, namely the arrival of De Dolle Brouwers (trans: the Mad Brewers).

After winning a Belgium home-brew competition, three brothers, ably assisted by their mother, decided to go one step further and purchase the town's defunct St. Henricus Brewery.

Much of the century old equipment is intact, and is still used today to produce a range of sedimented, unpasteurised and dry hopped beers, which can be both delightful and bizarre, even by Belgian standards!

The person responsible for the "Nat en Straf" (wet and strong) beers is Kris Herteleer, whose principal product is called Oerbier (first beer), a dark, sourish, totally unclassifiable brew of 7.5%, containing six different malts and candy sugar. A winey, medicinal beer, which many may find somewhat alarming.]

Some other beers are:

Oeral (Ural Mountains), is a 6% springtime beer, and is marketed as Esenaar in leap years.

Snoek (Pike), at 6.9%, is a very intense, heavily dry-hopped, version of Oeral.

Boskeun (Wood Rabbit), 7%, is the Easter brew. Brassy coloured, with hoppy dryness and sweetness, with honey added when bottled. It is the brewer's nickname.

Arabier (see author for translation), 8%, is the summer drink, and is dry hopped with Kentish Goldings.

Taking its name from the surrounding countryside is the 8% Lichtervelds Blond, which is an attempt at a Duvel style beer.

Stille Nacbt (silent night) is the dark 8% winter beer, with a fruity apple-like aroma.

The best of the Dolle Brouwers range, ', in my opinion is the 10%, Dulle Teve (Crazy Bitch). Mid-amber in colour, with prominent dryness and a rich robust malty punch. The label bears the words "brewed under orders".

Brewery tours take place every Sunday at 2pm prompt.


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