Greenalls, who as Greenall Whitley started the trend amongst regional brewers of closing their breweries to concentrate on retailing, no longer own any pubs following a sell-off to national giant Scottish & Newcastle.

In the 1980s, Greenall Whitley bought and closed Simpkiss, Wem, Davenports and Shipstones, before closing their own Wilderspool brewery, Warrington, in 1991.

However, their retail operations had not been doing too well just lately, and the overvalued empire was brought down when they announced a sharp reduction in profits in May. Greenalls sold their tenanted pubs earlier in the year to try to turn the tide, but was finally obliged to sell their remaining 42 tenancies, 779 managed houses and 61 budget hotels.

From being Britain's largest regional brewer, Greenalls is now a small hotels, wines and spirits and wholesaling business, but has consolidated Scottish and Newcastle's No.1 position.

Protesters outside the doomed Wem brewery in 1988


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