From everyone in the Campaign for Real Ale, may I wish you all a hoppy Aletide and a festive Millennium. Please accept this edition of Potters Bar as CAMRA Potteries Branch's Christmas card to you.

This is the season for strong winter ales, though this year there seem to be fewer available than usual. And some so-called winter ales are no stronger than ordinary or premium beers - its just that they are only brewed in the winter season. For example, Bateman's Winter Wellie, though an excellent beer, will hardly keep out the cold at only 4.7% abv.

However, for strong beer enthusiasts, there are some really good, reliable beers to try. Robinson's Old Tom, at 8.5% is powerful enough to beat the winter chill, as is Holden's Old Ale at 7.2%, and Titanic Wreckage (8%). From Hoskins & Oldfield Christmas 'Noggin' is a mind blowing 10%, but this beer from Leicester may be very hard to find. Over in Leek, Den Engel cafe bar is easier to find, and they have Gordons Christmas (8.8%) on draught and in bottles, and Bush Xmas at a staggering 12% in bottles.

As with all beer, moderation is the keyword, and driving with any of the above is definitely out. Best wishes...


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