Pub of the Month

December/ January

Duke of Wellington, Blythe Bridge

The Duke of Wellington in Blythe Bridge, is a large imposing building situated at the crossroads in the centre of the village, and has been the hub of social activity since being built in 1851, writes Richard Buddin

It is chronicled that it was a regular meeting place of the 'Sherwood Foresters', although you would probably have to leave your longbow outside nowadays.

The pub is managed by Lyn & Dave Vickers, who have constantly strived to give quality and varied beers in the 6 years they have been there

Although having had to succumb to one creamflow, the mainstay of the pub is its 2 regular bitters and a mild, being Marston's Pedigree, Ind Coope's Burton Ale, and Ansell's Mild. There is nearly always a guest beer on, and as we approach the festive season we are seeing more porters and stronger gravity beers being introduced. At time of writing we are enjoying the excellent Burton Porter (4.5% abv) from the Burton Bridge micro brewery.

The pub's popularity is boosted by its serving of high quality meals at lunch times during the week and its Sunday lunches, which are excellent value and not for the faint hearted. You definitely need to book, as places are very limited and in great demand on a Sunday


The Duke has the usual 2 room set-up, a comfortable quiet lounge where conversation is not drowned out by electronic gizmo's and a 'Juke Box' and a typical bar with Pool Table, Darts, Crib Team and the aforementioned Gizmo's. There is also a popular Quiz on Tuesday's starting at 10pm. Opening Hours are 12 'til 3 and 6.00 'till 11 except Sunday & Monday when 7 'til 11 in the evenings.

The 'Duke' is easy to find as it is just visible from Blythe Bridge railway station on the Stoke - Derby line by looking to the right, and it is a marked stop on the bus route through Blythe Bridge. To access by road, from Longton follow the A50 towards Derby and exit the 1st Junction after Meir Tunnel then 2nd left and keep following the road into the centre of the Village. There is a large car park behind the pub.


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