Twenty pubs a month are closing,
according to CAMRA research, many of which are rural pubs being
converted into private houses for a fat profit.
A recent Newcastle Borough Council Planning Committee meeting
ignored the recommendations of their own planning officers and
deferred the decision on plans to convert The Black Horse in Betley
into houses.
One of the reasons cited was a letter, written by CAMRA Potteries
Branch Secretary Rob Shanks, pointing out that no effort had been
made to sell the property as a pub. The owners' only appear to
be interested in redeveloping the pub and land for private
residential use.
It is hoped that Newcastle Council, who have been censured by
the Local Goverment Ombudsman over planning matters in recent
years, seriously considers the opinions of local residents and
the CAMRA "pub viability test" which is
aimed at preventing developers from buying up and closing a rural
amenity, when they make their final decision.
Meanwhile, just under three miles away down the road, the Rising
Sun at Shraley Brook, a former brew-pub, and the home of Shraley
Brook Brewing, has also fallen on hard times and is subject to
a similar "change of use" application
CAMRA Potteries Branch is also opposing this application, and
urges anyone interested in running it as a pub to give it a look.
This property has been on the market as a pub, but so far there
have been no takers.
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