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Profiling Earth

The Earth is the symbol of things in a solid (inactive) state.
Body Language
A person embodying the Earth attitude usually has a voice which is deep and calm, suggesting either indifference or grounded confidence.  They will tend to assume a facial expression and body posture that signals boredom or indifference.
They will appear conservative, critical and self-centred. They can manifest pride, arrogance, laziness, stubbornness, miserliness and an unwillingness to change.  
They are practical, conventional, self-disciplined, patient, persistent and dependable.  
They dislike situations that make them feel insecure or hollow.
They desire wealth and security.
Psychological Faculty
They rely on their senses for discovering the truth.
Subjective Feeling
During combat they feel powerful, strong, immoveable and invulnerable.
Body Motion
Their centre of gravity will appear to be in their thighs or seat, their movement will be characterised by rising and sinking motions, with little actual footwork.

Embodying Earth

In order to apply EARTH TACTICS successfully, the warrior should be in an EARTH state of mind.  The Kuji Kiri (mental focusing) process that follows is designed to develop through stimulus-response conditioning a "trigger" for entrance into an EARTH state.  Alternatively, step 1 can be replaced with visualisation of a BEAR (or another animal that embodies the EARTH principle).

1. Imagine your body is a MOUNTAIN with roots deep in the Earth itself. Imagine your lungs are like a CAVE deep inside the MOUNTAIN.  See the air rush in as you inhale.  See the air rush out as you exhale.

2. Inhale for a count of eight seconds, then without a pause, exhale for a count of eight seconds (LONG IN - LONG OUT).

3. When feelings of calmness, confidence and stability are at their strongest, touch your thumbs together with your little fingers, forming two circles.  Simultaneously say "I am the EARTH."

4. Release your fingers and when ready, slowly rise.

5. Break your state by briskly walking for a few seconds.

6. Test your "anchor" for the EARTH state by forming the finger circles once again, as you recite the vow "I am the EARTH."  If it has been successful you will experience feelings of stability, calmness and confidence.  If you do not enter the EARTH state, recycle to step 1.

When next you are feeling overly excited, extremely nervous, or too emotionally involved during sparring (or real combat), and desire to be more "grounded," fire off your trigger for the EARTH state.

Earth Tactics


Shielding is the defensive tactic associated with the Earth (Inactive) Attitude.  Shielding is used to block-strike or parry the attacking limb of the attacker as s/he strikes or kicks at you.  BLOCKING "Against the Force" is achieved by using your elbows as shields that are placed in the path of the incoming limbs (directly in the line of attack). PARRYING "With the Force" is achieved by slapping the incoming limbs away with your palms (across the line of attack).


Immobilising is the offensive tactic associated with the Earth Attitude. The Earth Fighter, by adopting a threatening physical and psychological attitude, and invading the personal space of the opponent, seeks to dominate the centre.  The Earth Fighter may attempt to crash the line of engagement, applying a Hand Immobilization by pressuring or grabbing the opponent's arms, so that an attack can be launched from a relatively safe position. Likewise, s/he might apply a Foot Immobilization by stepping on the foot or applying pressure to the knees, preventing a kicking attack. Once the trap has been effected, the Earth Fighter launches their own attack.

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