ZAMBEEF PRODUCTS Plc is one of the most successful agri-businesses in Zambia and is a major player in the Zambian economy helping to feed the nation, create jobs and generate local wealth. The company has an annual turn over in excess of K88 billion.

  1. The largest meat company in Zambia slaughtering 60,000 head of cattle per year

  2. Largest feedlotter of quality cattle in Zambia producing 15,000 top quality grain fed animals per year giving out high quality beef which has earned the company and the country at large an enviable reputation in the region

  3. Largest chicken producer in Zambia processing 1.5 million chickens per annum.

  4. Milks 800 cows per day producing 6.5 million litres of milk per annum

  5. Processes 70,000 hides per annum through its tannery mainly for export to Europe and Far East and generates US$1.4 million in foreign exchange per annum

  6. Grows wheat, maize, Lucerne and soya with a total of 350 hectares of irrigated crops and 1,100 hectares of dry land crops per year

  7. Sells high quality meat and processed meat products in a hygienic and customer-friendly environment through its 65 outlets throughout Zambia

  8. Zambeef produces 85 tonnes of stock feed per day in its own stock feed plant for the dairy, chicken and beef operations making the company self sufficient in stock feed

  9. The poultry and dairy farms together with the related plants are run by Zambians making the company one of the most highly Zambianised commercial farming outfits

  10. Employs 1,070 full time workers throughout Zambia with a larger concentration in the rural areas. In addition, a large number of seasonal workers are employed.

-         The company�s payroll is approximately K1 billion every month

  1. Has the largest refrigerated distribution fleet in Zambia to ensure that its products are delivered fresh to its customers throughout Zambia

  2. Amongst very few local companies contributing close to K4 billion to Government revenue every year through tax and duty remittances to Zambia Revenue Authority.

Products Subsidiary - FS - 2000  
Products Subsidiary - FS - 2001  
Products Subsidiary - FS - 2002  
Corporate Information  
Financial Statements  
Asset Value  

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