What is an RPG?
RPG stands for Role Playing Game. In a role playing game the players assume the roles of characters and participate in adventures constructed and supervised by a Game Master or GM. It is similar to such games as Cops & Robbers or Cowboys & Indians played by children. Most RPGs are played using character sheets which detail the characters abilities and utilize dice to determine random actions such as hitting or damage in combat. RPGs cover many genres. Fantasy, science fiction, espionage and super heroes are but a few of the possibilities. They can provide many hours of entertainment and lead the players into worlds and situations not possible in reality.
What is Champions?
Champions is a Super hero RPG developed by George MacDonald and Steve Peterson that first saw print in 1981. The game is now in it's 4th revision and it has fathered the Hero System. It is in my opinion the best game of its kind. Using the rules for character building a player can create any kind of hero he/she can imagine.
What is the Hero System?
The Hero System is the set of core rules that derived from the Champions game. Using these rules players can create characters from any genre imaginable. While the games previously were published under different names, they have been unified since the printing of the 4th edition rules.
What do I need to play?
The most important playing tool is an imagination. Most often the GM or one of the other players will have all the books necessary for play. A few pieces of paper and some 6-sided dice (the ones used in craps) are helpful.
Where can I find a game?
This is a question that I don't know if I'm qualified to answer as I have had some difficulties of my own. Many gaming stores have bulletin boards that you can post messages on if you are looking for a face to face game. If gaming online better suits your needs you might try posting a message to the
Super Hero Gaming Newsgroup or the Web RPG. Good luck and good gaming.
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