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The pages contained within this site are dedicated to my RPG hobby and specifically my game of choice...Champions.


I've been playing Champions since the first time I saw the blue book. Not the BBB, the first edition I discovered way back in 1981. At 13 years old I couldn't quite grasp the intricacies of the system but I sure had fun trying. Over the years (quite a few of them I might add) I have developed an excellent working knowledge of Champions and the Hero system in general. I have an extensive Hero system library. In fact my collection of Hero system works is finally complete! I would like to thank all of you who helped me. It took a while but it is done at last. Now I just need to keep up on the new stuff.

If you have a question about Champions or the Hero System feel free to drop me a line and I can research it for you.

If for some odd reason you want to know more about me.

My Home Page


If you have absolutely no clue what I've said so far.

Deadlly's FAQ

II am currently an author for the Haymaker APAzine, here are a few of the things I have done.



Well I am one of those people with an odd desire to try improving things. Even those that are fine as they are, Champions proved no different.

My House Rules


I have a great time writing up characters here are just a few of them. Some are characters that others have created but most are of my own design. Check 'em out!



I've been traveling the web quite frequently and I love to check out Champions sites here are some of the best I found.



Have you been trying to find out where you can find Foxbat's character sheet? Look no farther, Here it is!!! The first, (that I know of) character index for the Hero System. On these pages you can find the location of all of the characters in the Hero System books. So far only pre-4th edition works are up, more to come when I find the time.

Deadlly's Ultimate Hero System Character Index


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Fortune City!

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