Characteristics N Skills N Martial Arts N Perks NTalents N Powers N Power AdvantagesN NCombat NPower Limitations N Power Frameworks N Disadvantages N Optional Combat NI have made no major modifications to characteristics. Some of the minor changes and options I use are as follows.
I have deleted general skills entirely and used the characteristic I deemed most appropriate for the skill (as it turns out always intelligence). I decided this was fair since it is nearly useless otherwise. The breakdown is as follows.
I have also added a few new skills that I thought were important enough to warrant their own heading.
Camouflage (Int base): This represents the ability to blend in with the natural surroundings. It is usable on oneself as well as larger objects such as vehicles or campsites. Use of this skill generally means that the person or object is stationary but when moving it could be a complimentary skill to stealth. This skill does not pertain to hiding small items (That is concealment). Many modifiers are possible for this skill; for instance it is much easier to remain unseen in a forest where a lot of underbrush exists than in the middle of the Sahara desert.
Leadership (Pre base): This is the ability to coordinate a group in a dangerous and stressful situation. The roll represents ones ability to have NPC's respond to orders. Success on the skill roll means that the NPC's will react to the leaders orders, how dedicated they are is determined by a Pre attack on the Leader table (which incidentally is only useable by someone with the Leadership skill).
Here is the leader Presence table as presented in Adventurers Club #7 modified by the 4th edition rules.
Target's (Pre or Ego)….Target is impressed by leader's suggestions and requests. If target is undergoing another PRE attack from an enemy, give him 5 pts. Presence Defense against that attack.
Target's (Pre or Ego)+10….Target will objectively consider leader's requests and orders. If target is undergoing another PRE attack from an enemy, give him 10 pts. Presence Defense against that attack.
Target's (Pre or Ego)+20….As above; NPCs will obey leader's instructions; PC heroes can make an EGO roll at +3 if they wish to ignore instruction. Failure means they comply.
Target's (Pre or Ego)+30….As above; NPCs will follow leader's orders unquestionably; PCs should make an EGO roll to refuse orders.
Existing Modifiers for this chart that would work positively include Reputation Strong, all the Soliloquy mods and Appropriate Settings. Modifiers that would not work positively or may in fact diminish the effect include Violent Actions, Surprise and perhaps even Exhibiting Your Power.
New Modifiers include the following:
Honesty (The fact that the Character is telling the truth or his reputation for honesty)…+1d6
Logic (The consistency and coherence of what is being said)…+1d6
Need (The necessity of the situation at hand)…+1d6
Traps (Int base): This is the ability to construct, avoid or disarm basic traps such as pitfalls, snares, tripwires or other mechanical traps. In the 4th edition rules Security Systems is used but I felt it was too general so I have included this.
I do allow skills in or as part of powers but as always it is subject to my discretion.
Any other skill purchased uses one of the base types, (knowledge, professional or science) but may be subject to a +1 per 2point cost depending on it's usefulness.
Languages: I use languages in a similar fashion to skills. One point in a language confers an 8- roll, 2 points an 11-, 3 points a 14- and 4 points an 18-. Literacy is also based on this roll. Anyone can attempt to imitate a dialect at a -1 to -3 penalty depending on how far removed the dialect is. I don't totally stick to the rolls but I find them a good base. I do use the similarity chart with the language roll substituted for an intelligence roll.
For the most part I use the martial arts system as is. The only exception being that damage classes added to killing attacks equal that of other attacks. Strength can still no more than double the damage of NND or killing attacks. The base damage can be upwardly adjusted by buying damage classes. I allow characters to build their own maneuvers but I am the final judge if a maneuver will be allowed in play.
I issue contacts, favors and many fringe benefits the same way I do experience. Characters need only purchase these if they want their characters to begin the campaign with them. This also applies to Area Knowledge skills. I encourage my players to keep a separate sheet for such things.
Vehicles have become something of a problem. Many players feel that this is an inexpensive way to purchase powered armor (the Viper sourcebook and many other hero works seems to encourage this). I strictly enforce the idea of a vehicle as a conveyance but I do allow a little latitude with the idea. I use the standard point costs for both vehicles and bases.
I have removed a few talents from the list and added them to powers. They are as follows.
Defense Maneuver - I have adopted the breakdown as presented in the Ultimate Martial Artist. It is as follows.
Defense maneuver I: No attacker is considered to be attacking "from behind". 3 points
Defense maneuver II: Multiple attacker bonuses are eliminated as to those the character can perceive. 2 points
Defense maneuver III: Multiple attacker bonuses are eliminated even as to those the character can not perceive. +3 points
Defense maneuver IV: Acts as a "sense", the character need not spend a half phase. +2 points
I also use the lightning reflexes talent from An Eye for an Eye as it is written.
I have also added a talent from Justice Inc.
Animal Friend - Allows the character to use his presence vs. animals for a presence attack (something not normally allowed). It also adds +2 to Animal Handler rolls. Cost: 5 points.
Here are two new talents I utilize in my campaigns.
Empathy - This talent gives the character a feeling for people. When he first meets someone or is reunited after a lengthy absence he can make an Int roll to determine how he feels about that person. This talent is particularly useful for detecting liars and spies. The character also receives a +2 bonus to any skill that emotions are pertinent (i.e. Persuasion or Seduction). Cost: 5 points
Perfect Balance - The character has no difficulty retaining his balance in nearly any situation (i.e. tightropes, fences or even on ice). He receives a +3 to his Dex roll for purposes of retaining his balance and a +1 to all Acrobatics and Breakfall rolls. Cost: 5 points
I have changed a number of powers in the game to better fit into my campaigns. Not that there was anything wrong with them, I just have a need to tweak.
Change Environment - For the most part I use the rules presented in the Hero System Almanac 2.
Duplication - Well this power is expensive! As it should be I suppose but I feel it is overly so. I keep the base cost the same, 2 points for every 5 possessed by the dupe. But it is a +1/2 advantage for twice as many dupes after that. My justification is that a character can have a follower for half the cost originally and twice as many for each +5 points. So I don't feel that my version is overly unbalancing. The rest of the power is the same as presented in the 4th edition rules.
Endurance Reserve - Despite my better judgment I have retained this power but at a higher cost. I felt that the inherit limitations were worth about a -1 limitation so I have reflected that and my cost is 5 points per point of Endurance in the reserve and 1 point per Recovery point.
Entangle - Characters buy defense and body dice separately for 5 points each. The cost is somewhat balanced by the way I calculate body (see Combat - Damage).
Extra Dimensional Movement - I rarely allow this in my campaigns. I feel it is way undervalued. If I do allow it I double the cost of each level. So the cost would be 40 points to a single dimension; +20 points for related dimensions; +40 points for any dimension; Travel through time for +40 points. Buying additional mass costs 5 points for each x2. I include Astral travel in this power and call it a parallel dimension. I use the write up for "Astral Form" in the Ultimate Mentalist to govern it. Since it costs the same as desolidification I feel it works pretty well.
Extra Limbs - Although the rules state that there is no bonus for having extra limbs it is my feeling that having more than two manipulatory limbs is a bonus by itself (i.e. Grond being able to hold two characters and still pour coffee). For this reason I use the following point cost. A character may purchase one manipulatory extra limb for 5 points, any additional manipulatory limbs cost 2 points each. Other limbs that are not manipulatory but can be used for movement and/or to cause damage (i.e. legs or wings) cost 2 points for the first and 1 point for each limb thereafter. Remember just because a character possesses multiple limbs does not mean he can attack more than once per phase.
Flash - This has been altered only by my way for calculating body. (See Combat - Damage)
Hand to hand attack (HA) - From what I've seen in the adventurers Club and on the Net this seems to be universally despised. I have deleted this as well. I have my players use energy blast with the no range limitation and the adds to strength advantage (+1/2) if that is what they are looking for. I also let them use the linked limitation with some attacks. For a total cost of 4 points or so per die, of course if they want it 0 endurance well then…
Instant change - There is nothing wrong with this power as it stands. I thought I'd add one more level however. For 3 points a character may change into another form but remains in the same clothes he was wearing to start with or tears out of them. This represents someone like Colossus of the X-men whose costume doesn't change when he transforms to his hero identity.
Life support - I have added Poison to the list of immunities. The cost is 5 points for each immunity. Each immunity provides 10 points of defense vs. attacks of the specified nature. If the player wants more he must purchase it separately. Safe environments are still 3 points each but they must be purchased separately (i.e. vacuum and high pressure each cost 3 points, as do heat and cold). This brings the point total to 45 points for full Life support.
Mind Control - I feel that telepathic should be part of the power. If the mentalist must speak his commands it is worth a -1/4 limitation.
Missile deflection and Reflection - To reflect missiles back at an attacker is a +1 advantage not +20 points. To reflect missiles at any target is an additional +1/2 advantage. These may be applied at any level. The levels have been further adjusted so that they correspond to my new throwing chart. Thrown objects are those moving less than 384"/turn. Arrows or projectiles are those moving less than 12.5k"/turn. Bullets and shrapnel are those moving less than 400k"/turn. This helps to define an object that has been thrown at super speed.
Multiform - I rarely use this power in fact I actively discourage it. If a character only has two forms (i.e. normal and super) I use nothing. I have him make up both forms and require instant change or accidental change for both forms. I also let him take the "only in hero identity" limitation for abilities not possessed by his normal identity. I don't quibble about characteristics as long as his normal identity can pay for his own and he is in fact normal. For more forms I generally use shapeshift and a variable power pool or multipower. I will accept characters with this power if the conception warrants it.
Regeneration - I allow characters to increase the frequency that they regenerate. It is a +2 advantage for each step up the time chart. Yes it can get pretty out of hand if you let it, but I monitor it closely. I have also incorporated two additional options for Regeneration. For +10 points a character may regenerate lost limbs or organs. For +20 additional points a character may regenerate from death but must define a reasonably common way for the character to suffer final death (i.e. have his head chopped off or his body burned).
Running - The only change I've made is that running does have a turn mode, it is Total running distance/10, half that of flight. It makes sense to me. How many people do you know that can run full tilt and turn on a dime?
Summon - I let characters buy this although I watch its use very carefully. The character must spend enough points to make up the base points of the creature that they want to summon. To summon a demon (base 150 points) it would cost 80 points. Most animals have a base of 50.
Swinging - The standard form of this power is brachiation or using ones arms to swing (like apes). I require a focus of some type to simulate a swingline because it can be destroyed thereby sending the character plummeting to the ground.
Tunneling - In Adventurers Club #26 Shawn Fike suggests that tunneling speed and defense be purchased separately. I agree with this, in my campaigns, 1" of tunneling costs 2 points and 1 point of defense costs 3 points. Endurance is 1 point per 10 active points in the power.
New Powers
- This Power gives a character's costume the ability to work with his powers. If he stretches his costume stretches with him, if he can engulf himself in flames the costume is immune to them. It does not confer any defense to the character and provides no bonuses. Costume just helps characters comply with decency laws. A costume will be immune to attacks with the same special effect as the character's (i.e. a fire wielder's costume would not be harmed by a flamethrower). The cost of the power is 5 points and the focus limitation is understood so there is no limitation from it. For +5 points a character may define his costume as unbreakable, meaning it will not rip or tear by any means (again this provides no protection to the character).
I utilize most of the advantages listed in all of the books. I have made some changes and added a few that I have come across.
Affects Desolid
- This is only a +1/4 advantage but the type of desolidification must be chosen. Some of the possibilities are vibratory, energy, air (this would include such things as mist, smoke and vapor), molecular and spectral. Defenses bought with this must also define a type. For this reason characters who purchase "Desolidification" must also define the type. For a +1 advantage an attack may effect any type of desolid effect.Area Effect - I use all of the different types of AE (one hex, radius, cone, linear cone, thin cone, line and any area). I feel that Area Effect-any area is over valued as it is presented. For this reason AE-any area gets a number of hexes equal to 1" per 5 points in the power. This helps to even things some.
Area Effect (Mental) - In AC #25 Steve Perrin asks the question, "Why should mental powers be limited to a certain volume of space?" Well it is my belief that they shouldn't. Steve offers three options to choose from. One of which he calls the "blanket effect" I feel sums up how mental AEs should work. A mental area effect uses the mind scan modifiers as to how many minds the mentalist can effect. Only those that the mentalist can perceive can be effected however. If a mentalist makes a successful mind scan roll prior to the actual attack however he can effect a large number from a great distance. This advantage is inherently selective but only one roll is made and those that the mentalist fails his attack roll on are not effected. The cost of this advantage is as a standard AE attack (+1).
Armor Piercing - In AC #20 Steve Perrin makes the suggestion that armor piercing should be based on the attack rather than the defenses of the target. I whole heartedly agree and have incorporated his idea into my campaigns. It works like this. An attack bought with the armor piercing advantage punches through the amount of defense equal to the body rolled on the attack. It is still a +1/2 advantage and may be doubled (literally) for an additional +1/2.
Explosion - I allow cone explosions with the same damage class loss and properties of regular ones.
No Normal Defense - According to the 4th edition rules an NND attack can't do body damage. Well I think it should be able to with an additional cost. I have added the +1 advantage "does body" to NND and AVLD. This may also be applied to ego attack or any other power that cannot normally do body damage. If a character wants to define an obscure defense against the attack he may do so at an additional advantage of +1/4 to +1 depending on the rarity of the defense.
Usable By/Against Others - I use the variation on these advantage called "usable on others". It was presented in the Hero System Almanac 1.
Variable Advantage - I think this is a bit over priced so I have reduced its cost to +1/2 more than the maximum total advantages applicable to the power.
The following are new and resurrected advantages I use in my campaigns.
Adds to XXX - An attack power bought with this +1/2 advantage can add its damage to another attack, i.e. an energy blast bought with this advantage could add to the damage of a telekinetic punch. Both of the attacks must do the same type of damage for this advantage to be utilized.
Cumulative Autofire - This +2 advantage may be applied only to attacks bought with the advantage Autofire. It allows a character to add up the total dice of damage and apply them as one attack. Example: Lazon hits Fortress with 3 shots of his 6d6 - EB bought with the cumulative autofire advantage. Instead of applying the blasts separately Lazon adds the dice together and rolls 18d6! He then applies the total against Fortresses defenses. Needless to say this advantage can be incredibly powerful and must be monitored carefully by the GM.
Cumulative - I got this one out of the Ultimate Mentalist, it lets the effect rolls from mental powers stack. It is a +1/2 advantage.
Homing - This advantage allows an attack to continue attacking until it hits or is dispelled in some way. It is a +1/2 advantage. An attack bought with homing will continue to attack on the attackers phases until it hits. It uses the attacker's base OCV for every attack beyond the first and takes range modifiers from the targets last position. Each time the attack misses it will travel past the target a number of inches equal to the amount it missed by. Endurance must be spent when the attack is launched and maintained throughout the attack.
Increased Knockback - I have taken this from Champions 3. For a +1/4 advantage it allows one less die to be rolled when determining knockback. For +1/2 two less dice are rolled and so on. While it may be a bit overpriced it can come in handy.
Killing Blast - This +1/4 advantage may be applied to attacks that do "normal" damage, i.e. Energy Blast. It allows a power to act as a killing attack in respect to which defenses protect against it.
Lock - This +1/2 advantage may be applied to any attack that requires a "to hit" roll. When used, an attack with this advantage treats any target as having a DCV of 3 (similar to Area Effect). An attack purchased with Lock may be deflected but cannot be dodged unless that is the special effect of the defending characters missile deflection. Range modifiers do apply but if purchased in conjunction with the advantage No Range Modifier this can represent a power that nearly always hits it's target. Powers purchased with this advantage cannot do additional damage due to hit location.
Variable Effect - This +1/2 advantage effects those powers that use a point system instead of advantages and limitations to change them. It allows the character to change the way those points are distributed (i.e. a character has a 10 pd, 10ed force field, with this advantage he can redistribute those points so that he now has a 20 pd, 0 ed force field or 15 pd, 5 ed and so on). It takes a zero phase to make the change and it can work with entangle (by my rules), darkness, force field, force wall, flash, stretching, telekinesis and all movement powers. It cannot be used for powers that do not cost endurance.
Variable Link - This +1/4 advantage may be applied to any power that can but does not have to work in conjunction with another power of equal or greater point cost. Example: Solarr has a 4d6 flash attack with a variable link to his 12d6 Energy Blast. On phase three he elects to use the two in conjunction against Switch, if he hits both powers will be applied separately against Switch's defenses. Then on fifth phase he decides to use just the flash attack vs. Fortress (he knows that the EB will do nothing and wants to save the Endurance cost). Any powers bought with this advantage do damage separately of one another. This advantage can also represent a character who can attack more than once per round. The two powers may be used at separate individuals but then an attack roll with appropriate modifiers (two weapon fighting, off hand and range modifiers) would apply. Example: Shooter has a 12d6 Energy Blast and another 10d6 Energy Blast with the advantage Variable Link. He attacks Blur who is in front of him with the first and Techknight on his left with the second. He takes a -2 (for two hand fighting) to his first attack vs. Blur and a -7 to his second (-4 for two hand fighting and -3 for offhand) vs. Techknight. He misses both and they stomp him into the ground (perhaps next time he'll rethink his strategy).
Like advantages I have made a few changes and added a few new or resurrected limitations.
Extra Time - I have added a 1/2 phase to the table for those powers that are 0 phase actions it is worth a -1/4 limitation.
Gradual Effect - This limitation is presented in Fantasy Hero and was revised in the Hero System Almanac 1. I use the Revised Version (see Combat - Time Chart).
Here are a few limitations I resurrected from Champions 3 as well as a couple new ones. I feel they offer a little more variation on some powers so I use them.
Animate Object - This is a limitation for telekinesis. In a nutshell it means that the telekinetic can only animate other objects (his TK will not work directly on someone). In order to utilize his TK an objects def + body must be equal to or less than the damage classes of the TK's strength. The animated object has a strength equal to it's defense + body x 5.
Deterioration - This limitation represents an entangle that loses some of it's defense or body with time (because of the way I use entangle it can be applied to either or both defense and body). The value is as follows.
Loses 1 point/Turn = -1/4
Loses 1 point/phase = -1/2
Loses 1 point/segment = -3/4
Recoil - This limitation is only available for attack powers. It represents an attack that is so powerful it knocks back the user. At the -1/2 level it knocks back the user in the standard fashion, 1" per body rolled on the attack. At the -1/4 level the effect is halved, 1" per 2 body rolled on the attack. Unlike standard knockback the user takes the full amount of the knockback. No dice are rolled to reduce the effect. Density Increase or Knockback Resistance will lessen the effect however. The GM should monitor this limitation for abuse. Remember that a limitation that doesn't limit the character is not worth points. For example a character that takes this limitation on an 8d6 energy blast and has 10" of KB resistance is abusing this limitation. All rules applying to knockback are in effect just as if the character had been hit by someone else's attack.
Unique - This limitation is similar to independent focus, however the applicability is not necessarily universal. This represents a focus that cannot be recreated. If the character loses it he has lost those points if he cannot retrieve the item. For this reason it is recommended that a focus with this limitation be bought as unbreakable. Unique is a -1 limitation in addition to that of the focus.
Weakness - This limitation represents an entangle that loses some or all of it's effectiveness through a certain set of circumstances. The value is as follows.
Inobvious/subtracts 1 def+body = -1/4
Obvious/subtracts 1 def+body = -1/2
Inobvious and removes entangle = -3/4
Obvious and removes entangle = -1
This general idea can be applied to defenses as well. If a defense is not very effective vs. a certain type of attack the limitation would be as follows.
Inobvious and 1/2 effectiveness = -1/4
Obvious and 1/2 effectiveness = -1/2
Inobvious and 0 effectiveness = -1/2
Obvious and 0 effectiveness = -1
I like many other Champions player come up with new and different limitations with nearly each character I create but they generally fall into the limited power category.
Element Control
- I have really gone back to basics for this one. Back to the 2nd edition rules in fact. The idea is the same only the mechanics and points have changed. The first power in the EC is the one with the highest real cost and it costs full points. Each subsequent power is bought at half the real cost as long as it fits into the conception of the EC. I allow a lot of room with this, even to the point of allowing most special powers, talents and even some skills if the justification is good.Multipower and Variable Power Pool - My only change to these power frameworks is that I work off the real cost not the active one. In every other way they work the same. Like in EC I do allow a lot of room with both of these and I trust to my own discretion for weeding out abusive characters.
I know that many of the changes I've made in my campaigns point to my being a power gamer. Well in some ways this is true but I feel that it also better enables my players to create the characters they want.
Hey, what do you know a section that I haven't made any changes to? I use all the published disadvantages including the conditional distinctive features in the Ultimate Martial Artist. I also use the GURPS idea of quirks. Each is worth 1 point and a character may have up to 5 (in fact I encourage 5).
I have made a few changes to combat as well. I have tried to add a little more realism while still preserving the spirit of the comic-book genre.
Time Chart - I felt that some of the jumps in the old time chart were just too big so I use the chart presented in the Hero System Almanac 1. Here it is if you don't own it.
1 segment
1 phase
1 turn
1 minute
5 minutes
20 minutes
1 hour
6 hours
1 day
1 week
1 month
1 season
1 year
5 years
25 years
1 century
Movement - All I have done as far as changing this is to require a turn mode for running (See Powers-Running). I also use the optional velocity DCV table. I don't like the one in the 4th edition rules so I use the table from Champions 2. Here it is.
Inches/turn |
0-11 |
0 |
12-36 |
1 |
37-60 |
2 |
61-84 |
3 |
85-120 |
4 |
121-180 |
5 |
181-240 |
6 |
241-360 |
7 |
361-480 |
8 |
481-720 |
9 |
721-960 |
10 |
961-1440 |
11 |
1441-1920 |
12 |
1921-2880 |
13 |
2881-3840 |
14 |
3841-5760 |
15 |
5761-7680 |
16 |
And so on… |
Range Modifiers
- I use the optional table to break the penalties down farther.
Range (in Hexes) |
Modifier |
0" - 4" |
-0 |
5" - 6" |
-1 |
7" - 8" |
-2 |
9" - 12" |
-3 |
13" - 16" |
-4 |
17" - 24" |
-5 |
25" - 32" |
-6 |
33" - 48" |
-7 |
49" - 64" |
-8 |
65" - 96" |
-9 |
97" - 128" |
-10 |
And so forth……….. |
Combat Maneuvers
- I use all of the maneuvers including the optional ones. I also let characters attack with two weapons at a -2 for the first attack and -4 for the second in addition to any other modifiers for offhand or range. I do not use many of the new combat maneuvers presented in An Eye for an Eye.Damage - Well true to form I just couldn't leave well enough alone. I do damage the same way when it comes to damage classes. The change I have made is in regard to counting the body of a "normal" attack. To add a little more variation I count 1's and 2's as 0 body, 3's and 4's as 1 body and 5's and 6's as 2 body. It really doesn't change all that much but it makes good rolls great and bad rolls terrible. I've also found it has a tremendous effect on knockback. Try it you may like it.
Throwing Things Around - In AC #20 Dean Shomshak provided an expanded throwing chart to help represent the tremendous distances comic characters seem to throw things. I felt that the chart was a bit extreme, but I must agree with Dean when he said that the 4th edition rules were not quite good enough, especially for higher strengths. For this reason I have created one of my own. As I stated before I am far from a physicist so I can not offer scientific formulas to back up my chart, but it worked very well in play.
Extra Strength |
Velocity "/Turn |
Distance |
Damage |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
3 |
1" |
1/2" |
1/2d6 |
5 |
3" |
1" |
1d6 |
8 |
4.5" |
1 1/2" |
1 1/2d6 |
10 |
6" |
2" |
2d6 |
13 |
8" |
2.5" |
2 1/2d6 |
15 |
12" |
3" |
3d6 |
18 |
15" |
4.5" |
3 1/2d6 |
20 |
18" |
6" |
4d6 |
23 |
21" |
8" |
4 1/2d6 |
25 |
24" |
12" |
5d6 |
28 |
36" |
16" |
5 1/2d6 |
30 |
48" |
24" |
6d6 |
35 |
72" |
32" |
7d6 |
40 |
96" |
64" |
8d6 |
45 |
192" |
128" |
9d6 |
50 |
384" |
256" |
10d6 |
55 |
770" |
512" |
11d6 |
60 |
1.55k" |
1.5m |
12d6 |
65 |
3.1k" |
3m |
13d6 |
70 |
6.25k" |
6m |
14d6 |
75 |
12.5k" |
12m ± |
15d6 |
80 |
25k" |
25m |
16d6 |
85 |
50k" |
50m |
17d6 |
90 |
100k" |
100m ª |
18d6 |
95 |
200k" |
200m |
19d6 |
100 |
400k" |
400m |
20d6 |
And so on… |
Table assumes that the object is made for throwing or is a good general shape to do so. If not use the following modifiers.
Not designed for throwing - Subtracts 5 Str. from throw
Awkward but balanced - Subtracts 10 Str. from throw
Awkward and unbalanced - Subtracts 15 Str. from throw
= Into atmosphere, ª = Orbital
Strength Chart and Damage Modifiers By Mass |
Strength |
Mass (kg) |
Damage Modifier |
-30 |
.4 |
-6d6 |
-25 |
.8 |
-5d6 |
-20 |
1.6 |
-4d6 |
-15 |
3.2 |
-3d6 |
-10 |
6.4 |
-2d6 |
-5 |
12.5 |
-1d6 |
0 |
25 |
0 |
5 |
50 |
+1d6 |
10 |
100 |
+2d6 |
15 |
200 |
+3d6 |
20 |
400 |
+4d6 |
25 |
800 |
+5d6 |
30 |
1.6k |
+6d6 |
35 |
3.2k |
+7d6 |
40 |
6.4k |
+8d6 |
45 |
12.5k |
+9d6 |
50 |
25ton |
+10d6 |
55 |
50ton |
+11d6 |
60 |
100ton |
+12d6 |
65 |
200ton |
+13d6 |
70 |
400ton |
+14d6 |
75 |
800ton |
+15d6 |
80 |
1.6kton |
+16d6 |
85 |
3.2kton |
+17d6 |
90 |
6.4kton |
+18d6 |
95 |
12.5kton |
+19d6 |
100 |
25kton |
+20d6 |
Optional Combat Rules
In addition to those I've already mentioned I use the following optional rules.
Hit Location
- This slows down combat so much that I only use it for placed shots. I generally describe where the attack hit based on activation rolls as well as the body rolled (and the stun multiplier for killing attacks).Knockback - I feel that any superhero campaign worth it's spandex should use this.
Limited Push - I feel that pushing too often makes things too easy so I have incorporated the limited push rule into my campaigns.
I think that about does it. If I think of anything else I'll add it later. Let me know what you think.
Characteristics N Skills N Martial Arts N Perks NTalents N Powers N Power AdvantagesN NCombat NPower Limitations N Power Frameworks N Disadvantages N Optional Combat N
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