The Adventurers©


Justinis' Statistics

Justinis Darkhart


    Justinis was born as the high prince of his nation...

    One day as they were at war with the Drow a peace agreement was discussed. 

    That night as the Drow Diplomats and Gold elves dined, a party of Drow snuck into the kingdom. Completely unaware and off Guard the Gold elves were slaughtered mercilessly. Justinis Survived only because he was wounded, a blade to the face, and left for dead. But his will and anger kept him alive. As he rummaged through the destruction he found his father and brothers swords. Taking them to remember the atrocity committed he set off to find the best teachers to teach him the ways of the blade. On his trek he stumbled into a thieves guild. Seeing Justinis was quick at hand and fleet of foot they took him under their wing. After a few years of training with them Justinis left and traveled to a renown swordsman Danis Darkmoon. Hearing Justinis story he agreed to train him in the art of the blade. Once again his quickness of hand and foot made him very adept to fighting with 2 weapons. He then took the knowledge gained from both fields and started to bring criminals to justice. At first for Good. Then he realized the money he could make so he started hunting wanted men. Making himself known in Fae Run as a feared Bounty hunter he left the realms in search of a more tainted land. He know roams the realms of Calidair, bringing criminals to justice wherever he can.


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