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Mordred the Mystic

    The creature who became known as Mordred the Mystic was born on the banks of the Sea of Sorrows in Mordentshire. Orphaned as a small child when his family was attacked and murdered, Mordred was taken in by a wizard known as Restlin. Under the tutelage of Restlin, Mordred learned the ways of the mage. At the age of eighteen, knowing little about his world, Mordred ventured out, seeking adventure. Early on he would meet up with three fellow adventurers who would become his best friends, Timbernoch, the wiry Sylvan elf and Hung Lau, the well-traveled Ronin, and Regan Kincade, the aspiring paladin.

    Mordred and his friends made many enemies over the years and traveled throughout the lands, getting into and out of some amazing situations. They eventually encountered the mighty Raven Greystoke and took up with him on several quests, many of which involved defending the small nation of Shalot in their war with the forces of Vlad Dracov. In a time when the leadership of the king was needed the most, he was assassinated. Raven was named acting king by the people and Mordred and company followed him.

    Mordred married the original king's daughter, Mia, soon after. A stunning crimson haired beauty, Mia was the light of Mordred's life. As the years progressed she gave birth to three of his children, Dina, Dana, and Manu.

    Eventually Mordred was able to discover who had, in fact, destroyed his family all those years ago in Mordentshire. Originally it seemed as if the killers were all from a league of assassins known as the Blackfang, but their true, more diabolical nature soon came to the forefront. The Blackfang were in fact true lycanthropes, who had formed a cadre of mercenaries in order to do what they were born to do, kill. Soon Mordred learned that his true father was of lycanthrope descent, an offspring between a human woman and a member of the pacifist Whiteclaw tribe,. He also learned of a twin brother, Janus, who was raised as one of the Blackfang, was now an infected werewolf. These enemies continued to be a thorn in Mordred's side for years to follow.

    After learning of these secrets Mordred began to notice signs of lycanthropy in his children, but ignoring it due to his hatred of the creatures. Mordred continued in his duties to Raven until the war with Dracov had come to an end. By then a high level mage and general to Greystoke, Mordred was named Lord of Shalot when after Raven turned down the role. Greystoke left Shalot forever, hoping that Mordred would prove a valiant leader. Unfortunately this would not come to pass. The forces of Dracov were not so easily defeated, and soon Shalot found itself in dire straights. Mordred was forced to make a tough decision, the fate of a nation verses the fate of a friend.

    Mordred made his deal with the devil, as he contacted Strahd von Zarovitch for assistance. Strahd gave to Mordred vile magiks that could be used in the destruction of Dracov's forces, but in returned requested the location of Greystoke, the one human who was proving to be a menace to him. Mordred did so without hesitation, and thus drew attention from the dark powers.

    Using the knowledge obtained from the Devil Strahd, Mordred equipped his forces with protective enchantments. Soon Mordred began raising his fallen troops to do battle with Dracov, similar to the tactics of Azalin of Darkon. All the while Mordred was busy winning the war Greystoke was being tortured by Strahd.

    Years passed and Mordred made the forces of Vlad Dracov fall back. His mind, shaken by his dealings with Strahd, became obsessed with acquiring more power. In time many of the people of Shalot had turned against the once-popular mage. An Avenger known only as Gondegal soon began rallying troops to overthrow Mordred. Once again the mage found his back against the wall. His family and friends had all but abandoned him, his dealings with Strahd and the fact that Greystoke was believed dead, had shattered his once keen mind. One day he awoke to find his wife and children had vanished without a trace. Knowing that his remaining forces could only hold Gondegal for only a few more months Mordred once again turned to the only constant in his life, his magik. He began searching through his vast library of spellbooks for knowledge in defeating his enemies. One day, when all seemed lost, one of Mordred's few remaining followers brought him a large crate that had been discovered, addressed to the Lord of Shalot. Opening the large box Mordred found tomes and other items needed to make the transfer to a lich. As a lich Mordred would have all the power needed to defeat Gondegal and return Shalot to its former glory. Mordred sent his advisors away and quickly began the preparations for the transfer. As the night progressed he worked at a fever pitch, knowing that soon Gondegal would be finished. As he drank the last of the powerful elixir, Mordred dropped to his knees in pain, sure that this was the coming of the lichdom he so desired.

    The next day Mordred's advisors discovered the corpse of their king, not transformed into a lich, but into a dead man. Who gave Mordred what he sought the most is unknown. If it was Strahd, gaining a last laugh, or Raven Greystoke having his final vengence, or some other sinister force, has yet to be determined.

    Mordred was always one to think before he acted. He could be patient, tolerant, calm, and focused. However, he did have somewhat of a quick temper and if he was in a bad mood, his temper was constantly in full gear. One of Mordred's downfalls, he was always thirsty for more power.

    Mordred was a 6'2 190 lbs. Human mage. He had Dark hair and deep blue eyes. He usually wore either a goatee or a full beard and always wore dark blue or gray cloak.


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