The Adventurers©


Calan's Statistics

Calan Streamshaw


    Calan grew up on the mountains of Icewindale. Raised by the Shaman of the Tribe of the Bear, an age old tribe of barbarians separated by their unique Code of Honor. Raised to become a warrior, he is on a journey of experience.  

    Traveling all of the surrounding lands he found himself in the desolate area known as the Nithians Desert. Traveling with friends he had made on earlier journeys, their focus was to stop an evil Genie(Dao) named Apshad that had perversely manipulated the once peaceful nomadic leader.....Mirkor.

    Mirkor's daughter, Misha, had seen the changes in her father and had traveled to find a party to stop Apshad's evil. Upon hearing the story, Calan and his friends had decided the evil Apshad needed to be stopped and so the journey begun.

    There were five in the party including Calan. The others included a high elf wizard, a female druid, a skilled fighter/thief, and dwarven cleric. Upon arrival of the party they met an unexpected curve from the nomads, who had been turned into lycanthropes because of the wish made by Mirkor for his people to gain physical power. Mirkor then realized the mistakes he had made but fell victim to his own people. Trajan, the fighter/thief, was valiant but was overwhelmed and fell victim to the Dao's magic from the nomads. Calan being the most experienced warrior began to hold off the lycanthropes as the others launched the all out assault on Apshad. There were so many that Calan began to be overwhelmed himself...and began to move back. Balsom, the dwarven cleric was soon felled by Apshad's magical onslaught. Immediately Carlon, the wizard, screamed to Calan for assistance and Calan rushed to the rest of his party's aid and struck Apshad with a powerful blow that would have felled another foe. Apshad was then hit with a spell of great power from Carlon. Apshad feeling the tide turn in the battle hit Calan with a magic that sprawled him.

    Calan awakened in this strange land, Calidair, with no way home. His father the Shaman of the Tribe of the Bear found Calan through scrying on the mirror that Calan possessed and instructed him to become stronger and to complete his journey quest by finding one who could send him back home.

    Calan is a young and brash warrior with much to learn, but is the loyalist of friends and would die for a loved one without a second thought. He lives his life based on his family's Code of Honor and sense of justice. He strives to attain glory and honor in the name of his family. Calan has an honorable heart and searches for his destiny with the want of a child for a new toy. His true mission is to find wisdom enough to lead his people through times of strife. Calan is a trusting soul and has been an incredible judge of character through his short lifetime as yet. He bears no ill feelings toward any one type of creature for he is all too familiar with stereotypes and how they can be deceiving. Young and trusting as he may be he is not one to be crossed for his wrath is unparalleled among his people, and he has proved himself quite the ingenious one on his previous battles. One day he will return to his home and avenge his fallen comrades at the hands of Apshad the evil Dao Genie.


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