The Adventurers©


Chilperic's Statistics


   Before you, you see a troubled soul. Early in his life his brother was violently taken away from him, banished from his tribe and family by the very folk that taught him to control the rage within himself.

    After watching his brother beat an Orc to pieces, recognizable by only its mother, at the age 3 Chilperic lost his brother. The elders thought that the violent acts of his brother would harm the rest of the folk in the tribe not knowing what they saw.

    At the age of 12, Chilperic began to feel a rage build within himself. Seeking the help of the tribe shaman, he was able to understand and control his rage. He cultivated and worked with his rage, using it as he saw fit to defend himself and those he had feelings for. After many years of training with the shaman, Chilperic felt the need to find his brother and try to explain what it was that scared the elders, so many winters past.

    Since that day, Chilperic has searched the realms for the brother he had hardly knew, wandering here and wherever his feet would take him.

    In his many adventures, he has not found his brother, but has been placed in some very precarious positions which he has had to either talk or fight his way out of. Needless to say, he has become a mighty warrior, with all the troubled times in the realms.

    Update; Chilperic found his brother Vantir. Their reunion was as expected. The two sat and spoke of times past, and of how they were both born with the rage that makes them mighty warriors.

    A few days after the reunion, Chilperic was adventuring with friends, and was attacked by persons unknown to him, at which time he was killed. The news of his death was told to Vantir, who was devastated at the news and went into, what looked and sounded like a rage, only to be subdued and placed under the watchful eye of those who cared about him. He has not returned from the catatonic state as of yet, but there is hope for him. While he is watched night and day for his return to life, there has been food brought to him, and he has been attended to. There have been raging howls heard in the night in and around the area where he is laid, but no sign of what has made them has been found. These sounds are like none of the beasts that live in the area, so there has been some confusion has to their origin.

    More information will be forthcoming as it is learned, please refer to Vantir's pages for any updates. 


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