The Adventurers©



Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Race: Half-Ogre
Class: Fighter (Berserker Kit)
Gender: Male
Age: 38
Height: 7’2"
Weight: 275 lbs
Skin: Brown
Hair: Black
Eyes: Dark Brown
Level: 5th
Exps.: 19,700 (32k)
Armor: Splint Mail
AC: 0
Thac0: 16
Hit Points: 55


  Strength: 18-00 Stamina: 18-78 Weight Allowance: 185 Muscle: 20 Attack Adj.: +3
Damage Adj.: +8 Maximum Pressure: 700 Open Doors: 10 Bend Bars/ Lift Gates: 60%

  Dexterity: 17 Aim: 15 Missile Adj.: 0 Pick Pockets: 0% Open Locks: 0% Balance: 19
    Reaction Adj.: +3
Defensive Adj.: -4 Move Silently: +15% Climb Walls: +15%

  Constitution: 17 Health: 15 System Shock: 90% Poison Save: 0 Fitness: 19 
    Hit Point Adj.: +5
Resurrection Survival: 100%

  Intelligence: 12 Reason: 10 Spell Level: 5 Illusion Immunity: - Knowledge: 14
Bonus Proficiencies: 4 Learn Spells: 60%

  Wisdom: 14 Intuition: 12 Bonus Spells: 0 Spell Failure: 5% Willpower: 16
Magical Defensive Adj.: +2 Spell Immunity:-

  Charisma: 8 Leadership: 8 Loyalty Base: -1 Maximum Henchmen: 4 Appearance: 8
Reaction Adj.: 0

~Saving Throws~
    PP/DM: 11
RSW: 13
P/P: 12
Breath: 13
Spell: 14

~Weapon Specialization~
    Long Sword (double)

~Weapon Proficiencies~
    Long Sword
Battle Axe

~Non-weapon Proficiencies~
Blind Fighting

    Cps; 32
Sps; 47
Gps; 1,456
Pps; 8

~Special Items, Carried or Worn~
    Long Sword (Vorpal Sword +3)
Battle Axe
Daggers (3)

Weapon....………Attacks…...Damage…...Thac0…..Damage Adj.
Long Sword          3/2       1d8~1d12       7(6)       +8+3+3(
Battle Axe            1/1       1d8~1d10      13(12)     +8(
Dagger (melee)     1/1      1d3+1~1d3     13(12)     +8(
Dagger (thrown)   2/1      1d3+1~1d3        16


********************************While Berserk**********************************

Reaction Adjustment: +3
Attack Adjustment: +1
Damage Adjustment:
Hit Point Adjustment +5

Immune to Wizards Spells; Charm Person, Friends, Hypnotism, Sleep, Irritation,
 Ray of Enfeeblement, Scare, Gaes
Immune to Priests Spells; Command, Charm Person or Mammal, Enthrall,
 Cloak of Bravery, and Symbol.
+4 to Saving Throws vs. Wizards Spells; Blindness, Tasha's uncontrollable hideous laughter, Hold Person,
  Charm Monster and Confusion, and the Priests Spells; Hold Person and Hold Animal.


~Items Stored~
   12 Diamonds (1,200 Gp each)
    4 Diamonds  (1,000 Gp each)


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