The Adventurers©


Drosis' Statistics


    Drosis was brought upon this land by cruel people. Shortly after his birth, he was left to fend for himself in the wild.

    Born on the world of Calidair, in the lower mountains, just outside the Forest of No Return, he did the best he could to survive, which quickly became his major goal. Neither looking like human, nor Ogre, the populace he has seen have called him half-ogre, and not knowing his parentage, he has accepted this and searched for those of this kind to teach him.

    He was befriended by Orc and Ogre, learning both languages and adapting to the hunting styles of both races.

    He has been seen in and around the area of Sturmguard as of late, becoming bolder in his search for food has brought him closer to inhabited areas.

    Some of the folk have not paid him notice, but a few have welcomed his strong arm and steady weapon, which he has used as needed to protect himself, and those who have accepted him.

    If you see him, do not be alarmed if he does not speak much, as he rarely uses the little common that he knows, preferring to speak only Ogre, feeling very clumsy with most of the other languages of others.

    He has become more muscular and taller in his 38 winters upon the land. It is said, he still has more growth to do, but he feels that his 7'2" height and 275 lbs build is where his body wants to rest, as he has not felt the surges of growth in some years. Only time will tell.

    For those of you seeing him, beware, he is smarter than he looks, and more cunning than you would think. Do not let his looks fool you into false comfort. He is a formidable foe. The swing of his blade is truer than one would expect from such a beastily frame.


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