The Adventurers©


The Healer

     Alignment: Neutral Good
    Class: Cleric of Light
    Race: Human
    Sex: Female
    Age: 30
    Height: 5'6"
    Skin: Pale
    Eyes: Hazel
    Hair: Red
    Weight: 130
    Level: 4
    Exp.: 9,500
    Armor: Stone Gown(= Bracers always worn)
    AC: 2
    Thac0: 18
    Hit Points: 48


    Strength: 14 Stamina: 16 Weight Allowance: 70 lbs. Muscle: 12
   Hit Probability.: 0 Damage adj.: 0 Max Press: 140 
   Open doors: 7 Bend bars/ lift gates: 4%

    Dexterity: 14 Aim: 12 Missile adj.: 0 Pick Pockets: N/A
   Open Locks: N/A Balance: 16 Reaction adj.: +1 
   Defensive adj.:-2 Move Silently 0% Climb Wall: 0%

    Constitution: 16 Health: 17 System Shock: 97%
   Poison Save: 0 Fitness: 15 HP adj.: +2 Resurrection Survival: 94%

    Intelligence: 16 Reason: 14 Spell level: 7th Max # spells: 9
   Spell Immunity: N/A Knowledge: 18 Bonus Profs: 7
     Learn Spells: 85%

    Wisdom: 17 Intuition: 15 Bonus spells: 2nd Spell failure: 0% 
  Willpower: 19 Magic def adj.: +4 Spell immunity: N/A

    Charisma: 13 Leadership: 12 Loyalty base: 0 Appearance: 14
  Reaction adj.: +2 Comeliness: 16 Reaction Adj:+5

~Saving Throws~
PP/DM: 9
    RSW: 13
    P/P: 12
    Breath: 13
    Spell: 14


~Weapon Proficiencies~
    Light Crossbow


~Non Weapon Proficiencies~
    Riding, land based

~Special Abilities~
    Turn Undead
    Laying on of Hands


~Equipment Carried~
    Light Crossbow and Quiver
    Quarrels (20)
    Backpack with Travelers Gear
    Pouch of Holding
    Herbs and Roots for Healing
    Healing Stones


Weapon......#Attacks....Thac0.....Damage....Damage adj.
Daggers         3~2            15      1d3+1~1d3        +3
Quarrels        2~1                    1d6+1~1d8+1


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