The Adventurers©


Empathora's Statistics
Empathora's Spellbook

Cleric of Light

    Empathora, Breather of Light, Shaper of Dreams, is a soul born of the World named Luminae. Her original incarnation was not of a particular time known to man. She is ageless, (though appears to be around 30) a light-being come to many worlds to teach, seek knowledge, and heal. One may, however, receive a glimpse of her by the knowing of her now-self, used by a human body on the world known as Calidair.

    She came into the world in which her body lives not by accident. Two humans, not at all suited to one another, were to bring a child into being. The mother of the unborn child knew she could not keep and raise the child alone, so she prayed for guidance. Empathora's soul heard her plea, and was instructed by The Divine to do (as she had many times in the past) a healing soul-intervention. The soul that would have been born to the woman in that baby was released, to wait for the proper time to become that woman's child. The woman decided to give the baby for adoption, and with the baby girl's first breath, Empathora's soul entered the little body. She was adopted, weak and pale from the experience, by two humans, at approximately one month of age, with no conscious knowledge of her origin.

    Empathora's childhood was not an easy one. As these humans were not well suited to one another either, she truly had no childhood at all. Forced, she thought at the time, by her circumstances to "fix" things, her powers of healing the ill and unfit, came into use at an early age. Empathora (or Path, as she is often known) knew she was different, she knew not how, or why, but she knew she was not meant to be as the others she saw in this life. Her parents ridiculed her as being "lazy", without "goals", and a "dreamer", often finding her alone in the yard, just sitting or lying down staring at the large trees, her mind far, far away. They could have no idea that she was not truly alone. Many souls came to guide her and help in her rejuvenation, as she was often rendered weak and sick, while those whose lives she touched seemed to grow stronger and healthier. Empathora envied the healthy people she saw, longing to be like them and not understanding why she was such a sickly child.

    As she grew, Path began to find herself spending more time with her unseen friends and less time with other humans. She began to think she was not normal. . . she was correct. As she spent more time with her guides, she began to realize that some of the more powerful things she was learning, such as the knowledge of stones, herbs, light, and dream-shaping, came from within, somewhere deep, deep inside herself. Slowly, so as not to shock her form, she allowed herself to get outside herself and see the Truth. She began her "rememberings". First, she remembered her soul's "birth" into this body and thought it beautiful and amazing. "Was it thus for everyone here?" she wondered. "Are they all so alone here and out of realm as I?" She knew this was not so. But hope springs eternal was a phrase she had heard and took to heart. More and more as she grew, she remembered, and began to embrace that she was special and tried to put aside her loneliness. She had a mission here and would travel along its path, if not cheerfully, at least willingly. For now, she would be content to revel in the happiness of the others whose lives she touched. She had a gift and it would be it's own reward. Her inner strength and awareness grew.

    One day, soon after reaching young womanhood, Path was compelled to go deep into a nearby forest. She sat by a large Oak and began to lose herself in her surroundings. After some time, she began to tire, and fell into a deep sleep. She dreamt of her world of Luminae and all that her soul longed to see. She was awakened hours later by the sound of many small voices, the skittering of tiny feet, and much giggling. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she thought she caught a glimpse of tiny wings fluttering in the trees above. "Must be butterflies or hummingbirds.," she thought. She sat up, and, quite startled, noticed she was completely naked, save her thigh-length red hair (and an even redder blush!). "Oh, wonderful!", she exclaimed. "Now, how am I to get home like this?!" Her query was soon answered. As she stood and looked about, she noticed something shining behind a nearby bush, lying on a fallen willow branch. It was a gown - the finest garment she had ever seen! Path walked over to it, and just stared at its awesome beauty. It was long, flowing, shining like crystal, and she could detect movement within it, like the light particles she could see all about in the air on a sunlit day. She reached out to touch it. . . more giggling from all around her. As she picked up the gown, she heard a whisper. . ."It is yours. It belongs to you. It will protect you from many things, in any weather." She looked around, but saw nothing. Empathora put on the gown. As she did this, she knew instantly of what it was formed. She had knowledge of gemstones and their properties from her private studies. "But, how can this be? This is as light as feathers - not like the Opal and Lapis Lazuli I feel within it. It has the heightened sense powers of Lapis, and the fire and ice healing and protective powers of Opal. So much strength in so light a gown! Oh, my little friends. . . thank you!", she whispered. "I will cherish it always!" - "It will be with you always." was the reply. "Your next dream will tell you how we make such things." were the last words she heard from the forest that day.

    Her next dream did indeed provide her with the method used to make the magic gown, but all Path will ever say is this: "The gown was made by faeries. They gather the stones used over a long period of time so as not to be noticed. When they have just the correct amount for the purpose, they put them all in a pile on a special, secret stone and. . . when the moon is full. . .begin singing and dancing in circles around the gemstones. Then, the faeries begin darting to and fro, in and out, and all around the stones, creating awesome heat and light. They "spin" the gems into a strong, light-reflective fiber. They then weave the fiber into cloth, and fashion the cloth into a garment, so lightweight that two or three of them can carry it, and so strong that not even all the creatures known can permeate it. If a weapon, be it magic (and it would have to be thus) does tear the gown, it immediately repairs itself. The gown contains all colors and those who look upon it see only the color and texture that is most beneficial to the light within them." When Empathora is on an adventure, she will always be wearing the gown of spun Opal and Lapis. And the faeries are always giggling.

    Empathora's gifts grew with her. She still has much to learn and awaits new teachers and adventures patiently. Still shy for the most part, she can and will protect herself when necessary or when provoked. It takes much to bring her to anger. She much prefers to accompany others in a healing capacity. However. . .

    In her travels to other worlds (a gift of her soul she has remembered quite recently) she met a man. A most intriguing man! His name is Erin Antaya - her soul flies at the mention of his name. He possesses qualities she had never before encountered in the many men she had met. Great strength, proficiency with weapons, and an endearing magnificence of spirit - her soul's other half. The dagger she now carries is a gift from him as is her crossbow. She never thought of carrying weapons, content with her pouch filled with herbs and stones. But when she is with her beloved, things just seem to happen and Path has found that his gifts to her are indeed useful and she learns from him constantly.

    They will be together, Empathora and Erin, until time ends and beyond. Though Erin has many adventures and quests he surely must live through without her at his side - she will always be with him in spirit - never wavering in her love for him. The adventures on which Empathora accompanies her beloved are, without a doubt; the most awe-inspiring and exciting she has ever dared experience. Erin, his trusty war-horse, Strider, and now, Empathora - another new beginning. . .

    And the faeries are still giggling.


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