The Adventurers©


Erin Antaya©

    Name: Erin Antaya "the Wily"
    Race: Human
    Class: Anmchara
    Alignment: Lawful Good
    Age: 45
    Sex: m
    Height: 6'5"
    Weight: 195
    Hair Color: Sandy Brown
    Eye Color: Hazel
    Level: 9th
    Exps 378,550
    Hit Points: 89
    Armor Type: Mesh Mail w/Shield (plate)
    Armor Class: 1
    Rear AC: 1
    Base AC: 2
    Thac0: 12

   Strength:16  Stamina:18  Weight Allowance:185lbs.
      Muscle:14  Maximum Pressure:170  Open Doors:8%
      Bend Bars/Lift Gates:7%  Damage adj.:+1 To Hit adj.:0

   Dexterity:12   Aim:11   Balance:13  Reaction adj.:0
      Damage Adj.:0  Move Silently:0%  Climb Walls:0%

   Constitution:10   Health:10 System Shock:70%
      Fitness:10  Hit Point adj.:0  Resurrection Survival:75%

   Intelligence:15   Reason:15   Knowledge:15  Languages:4
      Bonus Proficiencies:4  Learn Spell:65%

   Wisdom:14   Intuition:13   Bonus Spells:  Spell Failure:
      Willpower:15  Magical Defensive adj.:+1

   Charisma:17   Leadership:17   Loyalty Base:+6  #Henchmen:10
      Appearance:17  Reaction adj.:+6

~Saving Throws~
PP/DM:   8+2
   RSW: 10+2
   P/P: 9+2
   Breath: 9+2
   Spells: 11+2

~Weapons~       Attacks     Damage       Damage Adj.   Thac0      Special
    Living Sword   2/1         1d8~d12        +1+3+3                         
    Long Bow (Elvin composite custom made)
    Sheaf Arrow    2/1           1d8+2

~Items Carried or Worn~
    Carried: 2 Daggers (S) 1d3
    Living Sword  (L) 1d8/d12+7
    Elvin composite Bow +3
    Sheaf arrows (20) 1d8+2+3
    Shield (Full Plate)
    Worn: Mesh Mail Armor

~Coins~ 200gps

~Protective Spells and Innate Abilities~
    1st level Priest spells (1)

~Potions carried~
    Giant Strength
    Haste (x2)

~Non-Weapon Proficiencies~
    Horsemanship (land based animals)
    Detect Evil
    Immune to Disease
    Heal by Laying on of Hands

~Weapon Proficiencies~
    Proficient at all weapons
    Specialize in long sword

~Living Sword~
*Permanent Dimensional Blade

To learn about Strider© the Bonded War Horse, go here.

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