The Adventurers©


Gersalius' Statistics

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Race: Firbolg
Class: Warrior
Gender: Male
Age: 52
Height: 10’2"
Weight: 725#
Skin: Pink
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Grey
Level: 5th
Exps.: 32,000 (64,000)
Armor: none
AC: -2
Thac0: 16
Hit Points: 78


Strength: 18-00 Stamina: 18-84 Weight Allowance: 185 Muscle: 20 Attack Adj.:+3
  Damage Adj.: +8 Maximum Pressure: 700 Open Doors: 17(10)
  Bend Bars/ Lift Gates: 60%

Dexterity: 15 Aim: 13 Missile Adj.: 0 Pick Pockets: 0% Open Locks: 0%
  Balance: 17 Reaction Adj.: +2 Defensive Adj.: -3 Move Silently: +5%
  Climb Walls: +5%

Constitution: 15 Health: 13 System Shock: 85% Poison Save: 0
  Fitness: 17 Hit Point Adj.: +3 Resurrection Survival: 98%

Intelligence: 11 Reason: 9 Spell Level: 4th Illusion Immunity: -
  Knowledge: 13
Bonus Proficiencies: 3 Learn Spells: 55%

Wisdom: 14 Intuition: 12 Bonus Spells: 0 Spell Failure: 5% Willpower: 16
  Magical Defensive Adj.: +2 Spell Immunity:-

Charisma: 8 Leadership: 8 Loyalty Base: -1 Maximum Henchmen: 3
  Appearance: 8 Reaction Adj.: 0

~Saving Throws~
PP/DM: 11
RSW: 13
P/P: 12
Breath: 13
Spell: 14

~Weapon Specialization~
   (Giant-kin Weapons)
  2-H Sword (double)

~Weapon Proficiencies:~
2-H Sword (Giant-kin Weapons)
Battle Axe (human size)

~Non-weapon Proficiencies~
  Animal Handling
  Weather Sense

Storm Giant

  Cps: 23
  Sps: 17
  Gps: 43
  Pps: 3

~Special Items, Carried or Worn:~
  2-H Sword (Giant-kin)
  Battle Axe
  Pouch of Holding

~Weapon~………Attacks......…Damage.....……Thac0…Damage Adj.
  2-H Sword           3/2        1d10x2~3d6x2          10        +8+3
  Battle Axe           1/1              1d8~1d10             13

Special Advantages
  Magical powers usable once a day. These develop in order, at odd-numbered levels staring at 3rd level. The Powers are; Detect Magic, Diminution (as double the potion), Fool’s Gold, Forget, and Alter self. These can not be used in melee combat.
  Firbolgs can use large human weapons (like two-handed swords and Halberds) with one hand without penalty.
  When using weapons of their own make (huge double size versions of human weapons), Firbolg can wield them with both hands to inflict double damage.
  Firbolgs can swat away incoming missiles with a roll of 6 or better on a d20. With one free hand, they can swat away up to two missiles per round. Large missiles, such as boulders or catapult missiles can be caught if the Firbolg wishes. Caught missiles can be hurled back at opponents on the next round with a -2 penalty to the attack roll.

Special Disadvantages
  Firbolgs have a 15% magical resistance, even against magic that is beneficial.
  Firbolgs never wear armor or carry shields.
  Firbolgs take damage as large creatures.
  When using human size weapons, the Strength bonus does not apply.
  Firbolgs must earn double the experience points of the base class to advance each level.

  Firbolgs have an innate fear of human and demi-human crowds.


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