The Adventurers©


Gersalius' Statistics


    Gersalius started his life as most Firbolgs do. His parents were loving, and nurtured him throughout his childhood. There were few children around for him to play with, so he tried to learn as much about his small world as he could. He learned to hunt, to fish, and to master his surroundings.

    As Gersalius grew, he began exploring more and more about the area he called home. He respected the animals that he found, and tried to befriend several, but with no luck. Every living thing he met, either ran or stood in fear of his size. Seeing the fear in those animals that did not run, he usually turned and let them be, not wishing to frighten them to death.

    Time wore on, his father and mother found him a mate, they were joined, Gersalius was happy. His mate and he found a cave in a wooded area that gave them protection and a home. Near was all the running water, fruit and roots they could eat. Life was good.

    After being with his mate for many years, they had a child, he was healthy, and growing rapidly. Gersalius tried to teach his son as much as he could about the area they called home 

    Early one morning, while they slept, the family was attacked by Orcs. Gersalius fought and killed several, but not until he was done, did he find that his mate and child had been killed.

    Distraught and depressed, Gersalius wandered aimlessly about. Not knowing what he would do, or where he would do it. He wandered looking for his parents, not finding them or any of his kin.

    Stumbling into a human town, he went in seek of work for food. A smith gave him the use of a room and enough food to live on, in return for his help in the shop. As Gersalius regained his purpose, he worked harder, until one day he asked the smith if he would allow him to make a weapon. The smith said he could, and thus began the forging of the sword he now carries. 

    Since the finish of his weapon, and the learning of a group that works to rid the country side of the vermin that stalks the helpless and drives away the game,  Gersalius has sought out the leader of the group, a person named Balenar.

   This has brought Gersalius to Sturmguard, where he finds himself surrounded by the humans and demi-humans that he feels most uncomfortable with.

   As you see him, befriend him. He is a gentle soul, and will not harm the innocent, but beware, he will harm the one thing he hunts........Orcs.


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