The Adventurers©


Val's Statistics
Val's Spellbook

Val Fleetfoot©

    Before you stands a loner, an outcast, a man among men.
    In the years of his existence he has seen many atrocities, nothing less than the total annihilation of his tribe, leaving him to search for a mentor and a tribe to call his own.
Having the look that he does, has not only helped him against his foe, but has made the search for a mentor much more difficult, as the tribes of barbarians turned aside as he approached, or outright attacked him.
    His search has brought him to these lands, where he hopes to find someone to understand his ancestry and the gifts he possesses.
    Some have whispered behind his back, calling him a Shaman, some have called him evil, but most agree he is indeed a man to be watched, and admired.
    Believing that he is neither good nor evil, he has walked across the lands and helped those he could, and killed those who would attack and kill him.
    The gifts that he possesses troubled him throughout his youth, and it has only been in the past few years he has learned of the unparalleled strengths he has. Being able to call upon these strengths has brought him a new understanding of himself, knowing that they have always been there, and he has learned to control them as second nature.
    If you see him about the realms, approach with caution. He is a dangerous foe, but can be a welcomed
ally in your toughest battles. He will not thrust upon you his beliefs, but will not tolerate you thrusting yours upon him.


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