The Adventurers©


Vantir Steelshank

The Warrior

    Alignment: Neutral
    Class: Fighter/Berserker
Race: Human
Sex: Male 
Age: 37
Height: 6'9"
Skin: Sun worn and Tan
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Thinning Brown
Weight: 215 lbs.
Level: 7th
Exp.: 78,450 (125,000)
Armor: Full Plate (+3) Medium Shield (+1)
AC: -3 w/Shield -4
Thac0: 14
Hit Points: 77

Strength: 18 Stamina: 19 Weight Allowance: 485 lbs. 
        Muscle: 17 Hit Prob.: +1 Damage adj.: +2 Max Press: 255 
       Open doors: 10
Bend bars/ lift gates: 13%

    Dexterity: 16 Aim: 17 Missile adj.: +2 Pick Pockets: N/A
     Open Locks: N/A Balance: 15 Reaction adj.: 0 Defensive Adj.:-1
       Move Silently 0%
Climb Wall: 0%

    Constitution: 17 Health: 19 System Shock: 99% Poison Save: +1
       Fitness: 15 HP adj.: +1 Resurrection Survival: 94%

    Intelligence: 14 Reason: 16 Spell level: N/A Max # spells: N/A
     Spell Immunity: N/A Knowledge: 14 Bonus Profs: 3
     Learn Spells: N/A

    Wisdom: 16 Intuition: 17 Bonus spells: N/A Spell failure: N/A
    Willpower: 15 Magic def adj.: +1 Spell immunity: N/A

    Charisma: 13 Leadership: 12 Loyalty base: 0 Appearance: 14
    Reaction adj.: +2

~Saving Throws~
    PP/DM: 10
    RSW: 12
    P/P: 11
    Breath: 12
    Spell: 13

~Items Carried~
    Arrows, Flight (144)
    Arrows, Sheaf (8)
    Back Pack with Travelers gear, approx. 50#
    Bag of Accessibility
    Battle Axe +1
    Belt Pouch
    Daggers, Boot (2)
    Dagger +1
    Flint and Steel
    Ironwood Bow +1
    Long Sword +3
    Scimitar +1

~Special Items Carried or Worn~
    Amulet of Life Protection
    Boots of Levitation
    Deck of Adventurers Cards
    Elixir of Health
    Elixir of Youth
    Oil of Etherealness
    Oil of Fiery Burning
    Potion of Flying
    Potion of Healing (2)
    Potion of Extra Healing X2
    Potion of Longevity
    Scroll of Protection from Cold
    Scroll of Protection from Dragon Breath
    Scroll of Protection from Petrifaction
    Wand of Earth and Stone Transmutation 100 chgs.

    Cp: 573
    Sp: 1,641
    Gp: 15,261
    Pp: 1,790
    Gem: 10,000Gp

    Weapon......................#Attacks.….......Damage....…...Damage adj.
   Long Sword (+3)           3/2              1d8~1d12           +2+3(*+3)
   Stiletto                         2/1              1d3~1d2             +2(*+3)
   Daggers                        2/1           1d3+1~1d3            +2(*+3)
   Arrows                         2/1              1d6~1d6           
   Lance:                          1/1              1d6~1d8             +2+2(*+3)
   Sheaf Arrows(8)           2/1               1d8~1d8             +2
   Scimitar                       3/2              1d8~1d8              +2+1(*+3)

~Special Abilities, Weapons~
    Long Sword +3
        Detect Magic 10ft. radius
        Detect Sloping Passages 10ft. radius
        Alignment: LG
        Communications: Empathy
        Intelligence: 13

~Medium War Horse~
    Shooting Star

~Items Carried by Horse~  
    Block and Tackle
    Grappling Hook and Rope
    Torches (6)
    Blanket and Packs
    Medium Shield
    Lance (+2)



*****************************While Berserk******************************

    Reaction Adjustment +3
    Attack Adjustment +1
    Damage Adjustment
    Hit point Adjustment +5

Immune to Wizards Spells; Charm Person, Friends, Hypnotism, Sleep, Irritation,
 Ray of Enfeeblement, Scare, Gaes
Immune to Priests Spells; Command, Charm Person or Mammal, Enthrall,
 Cloak of Bravery, and Symbol.
+4 to Saving Throws vs. Wizards Spells; Blindness, Tasha's uncontrollable hideous laughter, Hold Person,
  Charm Monster and Confusion, and the Priests Spells; Hold Person and Hold Animal.  

~Items for Sale~
Spiked Leather +2


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