The Adventurers©


Vantir's Statistics

Vantir Steelshank©

    Vantir Steelshank was born into a tribe of barbarians in the northern areas of the realms. His childhood was uneventful until shortly after his fifth winter, when, while playing with his friends,  they encountered three Orc. Vantir and his five friends began to run from the Orc when one of them caught the slowest of his friends, stopping to see his friend devoured by the Orc, Vantir became enraged and picking up a tree branch, began to attack the Orc. To the surprise of the Orc, Vantir began to beat the Orc unmercifully with the branch, becoming more and more enraged as he beat. The other two Orc started to enter the melee and Vantir's friends began to follow Vantir with branches. As the other Orc saw the kids start to advance, they began their retreat, leaving the other at the mercy of Vantir, who continued to beat and beat the Orc.

    As the friends saw the Orc retreat, they fell back to watch Vantir beat the Orc to death, spreading blood and tailings all over the area. Vantir did not stop until the Orc was spread around the ground in pieces, using the Orc blade to continue to carve it to pieces.

    Vantir's friends went running back to their village yelling of how Vantir had killed the Orc, and the mess left by Vantir in his rage.

    The elders in the village went to look for themselves, and finding Vantir, standing in the small clearing, blade in hand, blood all over him, the Orc scattered about the small clearing, began to chant.

    After several days of prayer and chanting, the elders had made the decision to exile Vantir from the village and his people, not knowing the extent of what Vantir could or would do within the village, if this rage had been brought about again.

    In the 32 winters to follow, Vantir had found himself bruised battered, and bloody, waking up in a places he had not remembered getting to. Not knowing where he was, nor how he got there, and not remembering what had happened before he got there.

    If you see him, beware, there are dark places in his mind that he does not know how to control. These places in his mind frighten him, and you will see from his demeanor, he is not confident in his search for answers.

    Update; Vantir is back, and moving swiftly toward the winter home provided to him by Lady Gabrielle to check on his animals. The time he spend mourning his brothers death was not that long, but he is concerned for the well being of his animals.


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