The Adventurers©


Race: Githyanki
Class: Fighter ~ Mage
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Level: 8th~9th
HP: 88	
Thac0: 15
Armor Class: AC-9	(from items carried and worn)
Exp.: 135.625~135,635                          
   Strength: 24  Stamina: 24 Weight Allowance:1,235
     Muscle: 24 Attack Adj.: +6 Damage Adj.:+12
     Maximum Pressure: 1,440 lbs. Open Doors: 17%  
     Bend Bars/Lift Gates: 95%                        
   Dexterity: 18  Aim: 17 Missile adj.: +2 Pick Pockets: +10%
     Open Locks: 15% Balance: 19 Reaction Adj.: +3 Defensive Adj.: -4
     Move Silently: +15% Climb Walls: +15%                         
   Constitution: 16 Health: 14 System Shock: 88% Poison Save: 0
      Fitness:18 Hit Point adj.: +4 Resurrection Survival: 100%	                         
   Intelligence: 18 Reason:19  # Languages: 7  Spell Level: All
      Spell Immunity: 1 Knowledge: 17 Bonus Proficiencies: 6
     Chance to Learn Spells: 75%                          
   Wisdom: 17  Intuition: 16 Bonus Spells: 2nd
     Chance of Spell Failure: 0% Willpower: 18 
     Magical Defense adj.: +4 Spell Immunity:-                         
   Charisma: 16  Leadership: 17 Loyalty Base: +6
     Maximum # of Henchmen: 10 Appearance: 15
     Reaction adj.: +5                          
~Saving Throws~
~Non-weapon proficiencies~
   Blind fighting
   Riding-land based
~Weapon proficiencies~
   Daggers (3)
   Two-handed Sword		      	                          
~Items carried or worn~
   Girdle of Storm Giant Strength
   Ring of Protection (+3 to Ac,+3 saving throws)
   Ring of Wizardry (X2-# of 4th & 5th spells)
   Rod of absorption
   Wand of Frost
   Wand of Lightning  
   Ioun Stones (Lavender & Green {absorbs spells to 8th level})
   Ioun Stones (Dusty Rose{+1 protection})
   Iron Bands of Bilarro
   Bracers of Defense (AC2)
   Cloak of Protection (+5 to AC +5 to saving throws)
   Staff of the Magi                          
~Weapons~               # Attacks....Damage....Damage Adj....Thac0
   Staff of the Magi	      1/1          1d6                                  9   
  Daggers (melee)(3)       2/1          1d3		+12	        13	
  Two Handed Sword     3/2      1d8~1d6		+12	        11


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