The People of Nemedia

Except in a few select circumstances, characters will be one of 12 races, three, or characters of mixed race. There are no humans on Nemedia, so if you wish to play a human-like character, select Elarian.


Name: Elarian 

Ethnic varieties: Varied-full range

Average Height: 5 10 to 6 2

Average Life Span: 107 years

Physical Characteristics: Similar to humans, with a slightly broader forehead.

Cultural Tendencies: Varies depending upon culture, and nationality.


Name:  Dwarf

Ethnic varieties: Varied-full range

Average Height: 3 7 to 4 1

Average Life Span: 117 years

Physical Characteristics: Their bodies are of the same proportions as an Elarian, except that their bodies tend to be broader, and more muscular. Bulbous noses. Lots of facial hair.

Cultural Tendencies: Varies, but in Tolk, they tend to be blue-collar individuals. Yet this simple nature only serves to enhance the national fascination with combining magic and technology.


Name:  Gnome

Ethnic varieties: Limited-typically Caucasian.

Average Height: 3 5 to 3 8

Average Life Span: 94 years

Physical Characteristics: Shorter and more slight than Dwarves, yet still possessing a broader structure, proportionally speaking, than Elarians. Bulbous noses.

Cultural Tendencies: The Gnomes are rather reclusive, preferring to congregate within their undergrounds warrens. They are friendly towards visitors and people of other races, but they have little desire to interact with the outside world


Name:  Elf

Ethnic varieties: Varied

Average Height: 6 9 to 7 4

Average Life Span: 187 years

Physical Characteristics: Thin body structure, almost reminiscent of birds. Long, pointed ears. Allergic reaction to iron.

Cultural Tendencies: There are drawbacks to being the longest-lived race, including numerous health problems in the last four decades of life. Those in Elvanar are strict adherents to the class system.


Subgroup: Greyn

Ethnic varieties: None

Average Height: 6 8 to 7 3

Average Life Span: 192 years

Physical Characteristics: Caucasian elf, with silver/gray hair. Lacks allergy to iron.

Cultural Tendencies: Racist, isolationist, ethnocentric. Not a nice group to hang around with, especially if you re not an elf.


Name:  Fir Bolg

Ethnic varieties: None

Average Height: 6 4 to 6 9

Average Life Span: 144 years

Physical Characteristics: Tall and thin, usually with red hair. Allergic reaction to iron.

Cultural Tendencies: A great deal of prejudice towards the Dannan, due to millennia of ethnic conflict.


Name:  Dannan

Ethnic varieties: Few

Average Height: 6 4 to 6 9

Average Life Span: 153 years

Physical Characteristics: Tall and thin. Allergic reaction to iron.

Cultural Tendencies: They are considered the leading nation/ethnic group of the world, and they know it. Typically possesses a great deal of ethnic pride.


Name:  Cymru

Ethnic varieties: Varied

Average Height: 5 4 to 5 11

Average Life Span: 158 years

Physical Characteristics: Shorter than the other Erl races, and stranger to boot.

Cultural Tendencies: A strange, eccentric people.


Name:  Goblin

Ethnic varieties: Varied (Ranging from green to brown)

Average Height: 3 8 to 3 11

Average Life Span: 112 years

Physical Characteristics: Short yet proportional with thicker muscles. Huge triangular ears near top of head. Small, pointy noses.

Cultural Tendencies: hard workers, with a grudge against dwarves.


Name:  Troll

Ethnic varieties: Moderate (ranging from green to blue)

Average Height: 6 8 to7 3

Average Life Span: 122 years

Physical Characteristics: Extremely tall and lanky. Long, thin noses. Long ears broader than elves, on top of head. Known for extremely fast reflexes and speeds.

Cultural Tendencies: Many trolls can be found outside of Lha Deva, refugees from its oppressive caste system.


Name:  Orc

Ethnic varieties: Varied (ranging from green to brown)

Average Height: 5 9 to 6 1

Average Life Span: 104 years

Physical Characteristics: Broad shoulders. Typically bald. Tusks on lower jaw. Small, ,bulbous noses

Cultural Tendencies: A traditionally sea-fearing race. Also known for it s predominantly matriarchal culture.


Name:  Ogre

Ethnic varieties: Limited (pale brown to gray)

Average Height: 7 4 to 7 9

Average Life Span: 87 years

Physical Characteristics: Gigantic, broad pretty much huge. Usually has a top-knot of hair, nothing more. Tusks on both jaws. No outer ear structures. Occasional horn on forehead.

Cultural Tendencies: Nomadic and individualistic. Rarely congregates with others. Usuallyl uneducated.


Name:  Kender

Ethnic varieties: Varied

Average Height: 3 3 to 3 7

Average Life Span: Uncertain

Physical Characteristics: Long, pointy ears. Three fingers and a thumb. Lots of energy.

Cultural Tendencies: Unintentional kleptomania. Little or no natural fear responses. High regard for loyalty (just not personal property). Often perky. Rare to see old kenders-either they die when younger, or they disappear, some say to a Kender burial ground. Others say they live forever.. No one knows, and the Kender don t talk, which is assuming they know at all. Very strange people. Do tend to get along very well with Cymru


Special Races:


Name:  Dragon

Ethnic varieties: Extremely varied.

Average Height: Two stories from foot to shoulder, length varies.

Average Life Span: 2740 years

Physical Characteristics: Four legs, with two arms which serve as wings. Dragons possess horns, long tails. In other words, they look like dragons. They also have limited shape-changing abilities; hominid and dragon. Not limited by gender. They are larger and stronger than wyverns, with a longer wingspan, longer fire-breathing duration, and those two extra limbs.

Cultural Tendencies: Divided into seven clans: Gold, Silver, Bronze, Obsidian, Ruby, Jade, and Sapphire. Clan rarely corresponds with actual physical coloring. Despite identical clan designations and identical forms of government, not to mention both being saurans, Dragons have an intense dislike of Wyverns.


Name:  Wyvern

Ethnic varieties: Varied

Average Height: One and one-half stories, from foot to shoulder

Average Life Span: 2773

Physical Characteristics: Two legs and two arms which serve as wings. Wings larger than dragon wings. Can breath fire for a shorter duration than dragons, but more intense. They have horns, long tail, etc. Wyverns aren t as large as their fellow saurans, the dragons, but they are faster and more agile. They have limited shape-changing abilities; hominid, some inanimate objects and dragon. Not limited by gender. Coloration can vary wildly.

Cultural Tendencies: Divided into seven clans: Gold, Silver, Bronze, Obsidian, Ruby, Jade, and Sapphire. Clan corresponds with actual physical coloring. Coloring is all but random at birth i.e. a Gold and Silver can have a brood of two Ruby, one Jade, one Silver, and three Sapphire. Despite identical clan designations and identical forms of government, not to mention both being saurans, Wyverns have an intense dislike of Dragons.


Name:  Shapeshifter/Protean (Name as referred to by scholars)

Ethnic varieties: Unknown.

Average Height: Unknown.

Average Life Span: Uncertain.

Physical Characteristics: Varies. It usually ranges within the normal constraints of the average race. They can change their appearance to any living being of similar physical nature and gender. Limited only by size and weight. Known shapes include animal, hominid, and something they refer to as star-form.

Cultural Tendencies: Unknown.

More to follow, if necessary.

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Updated August 16 2002
By Moderator/Group Owner Senidel -
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