Excerpts from Nemedia: A History
By Musaveje Catoro

The history of our planet cannot begin without exploring the history of our people, and our eventual exodus from Earth. Unfortunately, the winds of time forever sweep past, dragging away bits and pieces of our history while burying memory. Books, scrolls and other forms of documentation, which possess great deal of historic importance, are often lost through flood, through fire, through the folly of man or through simple forgetfulness. Even when we are blessed by discovering a link to the past, they are usually tainted by the bias and ignorance of its transcribers, unable to provide an accurate picture of the past.

I have spent my life piecing together rumor and hearsay to form what must be considered the closest thing to a definitive account of history, within mortal means. Would that I could speak with a Warden, or the Gods themselves to verify my theories, and fill in the many blanks within this work. There is far too much missing, left only to conjecture.

If you discover anything that may aid me in my quest to chronicle the past, please send a letter to my publisher, so that I may investigate it thoroughly.  Thank you

Musaveje Catoro


B.E.: Before Exodus:

A.E.: After Exodus:

...Nemedia, despite the end of the war, fell into a dark period of history, losing much of the knowledge and understanding they'd gained on Earth. It has only been within the last 740 years that we've returned to a state comparable to the Golden Age on Earth.

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Updated August 16 2002
By Moderator/Group Owner Senidel -
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