Welcome to Vorondi's Palace, a place where magic, myth, and science interlace. Here I hope to create a Home Page for people of great mixed interests such as myself.

This page will feature a number of different subjects, such as Japanese Animations: Gunnm, Ranma �, and others (to be added later); as well as fantasy series such as Misty's Valdemar Series, Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time, and Wendi Pini's Elfquest.

GUNNM is a the story of a wild female cyborg written by Yukito Kishiro. Rescued from the junk heap by a kindly cyber doctor, Gally (Alita in the American magna version) is thrust into a new life, devoid of all memories of her past. Given a new body and a new name, she gets a second chance at life.

We follow Gally throughout a life of adventure and drama. In a series of beautifully designed novels, Gally, lives, loves, and fights her way to the top.

Click to enter the Gunnm Gallery.

Ranma � is martial arts sex comedy by Rumiko Takahashi. What happens when a girl who hates boys and a boy who's half girl are thrust into an engagement? Well, that's exactly the case in this wonderfully written romantic comedy.

It's too funny to pass up. Add to the situation a panda with great plans for his son's future, a pig with a grudge and the power to enforce it, a mad Chinese Amazon out for the kill, and myriad of other hilarious charaters and you've got yourself a comedy to die for.

Watch these videos or read the manga and you'll either love him or hate him on site. (And I've yet to actually find someone who hates him) This is one addiction I'll never regret.

Click for more information on Ranma and his friends.

Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time is one of the most wonderful series I have ever read. Jordan weaves a world of magic and legend so deftly with pen and paper the reader has no room to doubt its reality. The books have gone so far as to inspire a cult of RPers, as large (if not larger) than that of Dungeons & Dragons, itself. The Wheel of Time books were written so skillfully, they have even inspired more modern takeoffs of its themes

Virtual White and Black Towers have sprung up all over the web as well as on entertainment servers such as American Online. Groups of Aes Sedai, Asha'man, Wolfkin, Aiel, and Blade Masters roam the web at will.

Enter here for a brief summary of the Wheel of Time books and a look at my own Towers and Clans.

Wendi Pini's Elfquest was one of my very first novels, both graphic and regular. Though it has been nearly 10 years since I first read her work, Ms. Pini still holds the power to enthrall me. Her elfin characters by far are the best of their lot. She intermixes tall elfin strangers, aliens to the World of Two Moons, with their smaller, wilder kin, the Wolfriders.

Together, Wendi and her husband, Richard Pini, weave a magical world of magic and mystery. Elfin beings are no longer just the frail, friendly folk brought to light in children's fairy tales but have grown hard and tough, having been forced to fight for their lives or be prosecuted into extinction.

Follow Cutter, Blood of Ten Chiefs, on a grueling quest for peace and kin.

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.... Vorondi

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Copyright � January 1998

All images used on this page are copyrighted by their respective creators*.
*If anyone knows the creators of the fanarts please contact me. I'll be glad to give credit where due if only I knew where it was due!