These are my favorites...

My other website

FAIRLANE WEBSITE - Fairlane is where I live and it features the community's history, the community organizations, the resident's directory and webpages and other news. This was started by THIRD ESTRELLADO , my friend in Houston and was passed on to me. Since then I have worked on and updated it.

My Friends' websites

MALVAR website - This is ART's family website. Here you can learn about the revolutionary traits of ART.

 THIRD and EMBONG's website *- My former neighbors in Fairlane now settled in Houston.

TABITHA's Website* - Third and Embong's youngest daughter. Very talented.

LYX and JOCELYN's website* - My friend Jocelyn is also a former Fairlaner. She and her husband LYX are now based in L.A.

*These sites are down as of the moment but will be properly linked soon.

CAMILO's MOO-iro website - My friend CAMILO DUMLAO and his family created the MOO-IRO cow for the Houston CowParade. A real work of art.

 My Alma Mater

 Marist School - This is where I spent my high school years. My batch was the first high school graduates of that school (run by Marist brothers). It was funny and strange then since when I was a freshman, the high school department was up to first year only; then when I was a sophomore, the high school was up to second year only and so on and so forth. So I am a true blue first high school batch of that Marist school. And way back then we had only the basic facilities, the classrooms and the covered court. Now , I've heard that it has a nice track oval, a swimming pool, another covered basketball court and a computer room.

But we can always lay claim that we were the first to stage a protest walkout and joined the UP students during the first quarter storm (we marched up to Katipunan) much to the disdain of the principal. So we were the first headaches of the Marist brothers.

UST - My college alma mater. The university is the oldest institution in Asia and is run by the Dominican priests. It was good that when I entered college, the student protests have died down (martial law kasi!!) so there were minimal distractions. I was able to finish my 5 year course in a breeze. My only bad memories of this school is the constant flooding during rainy days.

Since I started studying, I was very lucky to be able to enroll at Catholic schools (elementary was at a school run by nuns and another was at Aquinas School). I owe this to the hardship and effort of my father and mother.

My favorites Places

Marikina the River City - The website of my city. I take pride in my hometown..It has been voted many times over as the cleanest city in the metro manila area. The basic services are very efficient (garbage is collected regularly twice a week, our roads are well paved, the markets are clean...) Meet the people who are behind this success.

San Pablo - The website of my father's origin. San Pablo is a cool place to go to. ( just 1.5 hours away from Manila). This site is very informative.


PHILTRANCO - An inter island bus company. I recommend this since their buses are new and their service is OK. You can ride all the way to Mindanao from Manila and even to Cebu.

PHILIPPINE AIRLINES - The National air carrier. Check out their site if you are planning to go visit the other places in the country. Their planes are new (compared to the other local airlines) and is regularly checked and maintained by my brother and his crew (so you are in safe hands!!!)

PHILIPPINE Daily INQUIRER - Balanced News,Fearless Views.. The no. 1 broadsheet daily in the country and the only one not controlled by any crony or vested interest. The only news website I can recommend if you want the latest news in the Philippines.

DON PIROT's Photos - Don has graciously allowed me to use some of his photos for this website. He has done some good shots of various locations of the Pilippines and I recommend visiting his site. Thanks again DON.

the ROCK of MANILA - In the '70s and '80s, I was hooked up on this radio station, DZRJ,the ROCK of MANILA. The former DJs(RockJocks as we called them) have created this site to reminisce on the good old days. From a humble but trendsetting beginnings, DZRJ became the top FM radio station sometime in the '70s and you were not hip or cool if you were not tuned in on their dials. I can still remember the early beginnings of the RJFM station, all music and no commercials. They always play the latest record releases of the top foreign bands first. And they introduced me to new music genres like JAZZ ROCK and REGGAE. And who could ever forget the Pinoy Rock and Rhythm show of Howlin Dave which paved the way for the present Pinoy Pop music scene. Ahh the good old days... Visit the site, see the RockJocks pictures of then and now and stroll down memory lane.

GORIO'S Chronicle