The Language Bankwho we are | what we provide | our clients | contact infoThe Language Bank is fast becoming the one-stop shop for all your needs in communications and outreach, from emergency interpretation, to publishing a completer handbook for practitioners and clients. Specializing in the languages of the Pacific Rim, communications are our business. Effective communication is our goal.Founded in 1987, intialy to serve the language needs of refugees and immigrants in the Bay Area, the Language Bank has grown over the years in its scope of services, the number of language provided, and the geographical area covered. |
Today, with two offices in San Francisco and San Jose, the Language Bank serves clients in more than 50 languages commonly used in the Bay Area, provides manyh services beyond standard interpretation and translation, and extends its many services to international clients and settings. The Language Bank still concentrates on the languages spoken around the Pacific Rim, where economies are growing the fastest, where the majority of the American trade takes place, and where the peoples and cultures are most divers. Our expert staff of translators, interpretors, graphic designers and project managers aims at both linguistic precision and cultural sensitivity. We firmly believe that our clients, when necessary and where appropriate, must receive both the accurate content and the correct context of the communications. Our staff members are mostly native speakers, with full mastery of the English language and thorough familiarity with the American culture. In every situation, we assure you confidentiality and professionalism in our staff, as well as timeliness and accuracy in our work. |
What We Provide |
Similtaneous or consecutive intepretation in over 50 languages, from the most commonly used to the obscure ones;Straightforward and accurate, our interpretations enable listeners and speakers to communicate effectively;On site, inoffices, or via telephone:Court hearings
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Timely, accurate and certified translations that are recognized by courts, government agencies, and other institutions;Accurate and culturally-sensitive translations enable business and corporations to market their products effectively to foregin clients abroad or to non-English speakers in the United States;Marketing and promotional literatures
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