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My plans are grand but my time is limited. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. All quotation contributions are welcomed and will be acknowledged. Please send contributions to [email protected].

This page was last updated on 02/20/01.

John Robinson: "98 percent of the galaxy is still uncharted.  There's a lot is space out there to get lost the in."

Judy Robinson: "Those who can't think, fight."

John: "Maybe it doesn't do any good; saving a world of families if we can't save our own."

Major Don West: "If there's no time for fun ... then what are we saving the planet for?"

Penny Robinson: "Never love anything ... 'cause you just end up losing it."

Maureen Robinson: "... how can we bring civilization to the stars if we can't remain civilized?"

West: "If this is all a dream, why can't there be more girls?"

Dr. Zachary Smith: "Trust me...!  Evil knows evil."

Judy: "I don't like the sound of that sound."

West: "Never leave and enemy stronghold intact."

West: "I hate spiders."

Maureen (to John and Don): "Here we are stranded on an alien world and you two want to get into a pissing contest? ...  Now if you've finished hosing down to decks with testosterone, I suggest you come with me.  I may have found a way to get us off this planet.
West: "Wow!"
John: "Tell me about it."

Dr. Smith: "Sarcasm is the recourse of the weak mind."

Maureen: "Funny creatures -- men!  They try so hard not to be their fathers, they end up making the same mistakes."

Maureen: "Sometimes, especially in the eyes of their father, little boys have to come first."

West: "Time travel is impossible."
Will Robinson: "No it's not, it's just improbable."

Will: "Sometimes friendship means listening to your heart, not your head."

Robot: "Why did the robot cross the road?  Because he was carbon bonded to the chicken."

Robot: "Danger, Will Robinson!  Danger!"

Dr. Smith (to Will): "Let me to you about life.  Around every corner, monsters wait.  I know, I am one.  We monsters have no fear in devouring little boys.  To survive, you must be fully prepared to kill. ...  Who in those what dangers lie ahead?"

Dr. Smith: "A brief lesson in survival: never trust anyone."