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Season 2

Copyright � Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation; Irwin Allen Productions, Inc.; Van Bernard Productions, Inc. and Shelter Rock Productions, Inc. No infringement intended.

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My plans are grand but my time is limited. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. All quotation contributions are welcomed and will be acknowledged. Please send contributions to [email protected].

This page was last updated on 02/20/01.

Blast Off Into Space

Dr. Zachary Smith: "We mustn't allow our fear to subdue our scientific curiosity?"

Nerim: "A man don't go prospectin' a dozen light years from home 'lessin' it's worth his while."

Smith: "Good things always come in small doses."

Nerim: "You can't defend what ain't been attacked."

Smith: "Be a good cheer my friend.  The sky is always darkest just before the dawn.  Every cloud has a silver lining. ...  It's an ill wind that blows nobody any good.  I may return."

Smith: "How doeth little busy bee improve each shining hour?"

Professor John Robinson: "Dr. Smith's explanations are like a box of magic tricks."

Will Robinson: "Holy cow!"

Wild Adventure

John: "We trusted our eyes instead of our instruments.  In space, that can be a dangerous mistake."

Smith: "... Have you no mind of your own?"
Robot: "Negative!  I am a robot."

Smith: "Why would you want to risk getting into trouble just to help an old friend?"
Penny Robinson: "Because, that's what friends are for."

Smith: "There is more than one way to skin a cat...."
Robot: "There are exactly thirty-seven ways."
Smith: "And I've used them all."

Robot: "I have not been programmed for humor."

Maureen Robinson: "We've got to save Dr. Smith."
Major Don West: "Why? ... why should we sacrifice everything just for him?"
Maureen: "Because he's a human being."

Will: "...  Where are we going now?"
John: "We'll know when we get there...."

The Ghost Planet

The Forbidden World

Space Circus

The Prisoners Of Space

The Android Machine

Verda (an android to Smith): "I am programmed to serve you.  I am not programmed to lie."

Verda: "You are a very interesting mechanism."
Robot: "Thank you!"

Robot: "My computer is the best on earth...."
Verda: "That's too bad.  But at least you're programmed for intergalactic history, are you not?"
Robot: "Well, -- no, but . . . ."

Robot: "I can lift very heavy things."
Verda: "I'm sure you can.  And I think you do quite well for one so primitive.   But, don't you think a teacher of children should have a more well-rounded education?"
Robot: "Huh!!!!"

Robot: "She embarrassed me.  She took my pointer."

Verda: "The appearance is not important, it is the program which counts."

Verda: "It is not my function to look nice."

Smith: "You are programmed to feel fear, are you not?"
Verda: "I have a self-preservation circuit if that's what you mean."

Verda: "To keep the beauty of nature, one must never change it."

Mr. Zumdish: "She was willing to sacrifice herself in the name of love, and that's a rare thing indeed."

The Deadly Games Of Gamma 6

The Thief From Outer Space

Curse Of Cousin Smith

West Of Mars

A Visit To Hades

The Wreck Of The Robot

The Dream Monster

The Golden Man

The Girl From The Green Dimension

The Questing Beast

The Toymaker

Mutiny In Space

The Space Vikings

Rocket To Earth

The Cave Of The Wizards

Treasures Of The Lost Planet

Revolt Of The Androids

The Colonists

Trip Through The Robot

The Phantom Family

The Mechanical Men

The Astral Traveler

The Galaxy Gift